were did you get that stats there are lots more Argos here then 5000 more like 20000 same with Uruguayans.<br /><br />I did like Tv Chile and hope they come back but its a matter of getting TV Chile to talk again with UBI. UBI did not pull tv chile off tv chile pulled themselves off don;t blame ubi !!!! i hope tv chile comes back like other spanish channels around the world. go the colombians your turn to celebrate. <br /><br />what you should do is contact Tv Chile and write to your consulate in Canberra and he can help. he was the one who got the channel here because the chilean community spoke to him and all together got signatures to get TV Chile . Its time the Chileans get together again. <br /><br />HOPE TV CHILE RETURNS. i also know alot of chileans that never got the channel so out of those 50000 there are 20000 who don;t care about it and 30000 that really do so get out there and fight to get it don;t complain to UBI you won;t get any where SHOW THEM THE CHILEANS WHO WANT IT!!! i would sign the petition and i;am Uruguayan