Satfreak,<br /><br />I am confident they would be more than 1200 in a very short time. Iranians are very passionate about TV channels like Tapesh TV or NITV. As far as I know around 1000 customers had signed up with TARBS and many were going to join but did not want to pay a year in advance.<br />At the moment a Resturant owner in Sydney is coordinating to bring a chennel to Australia (with helps from Globecast ). They are going to ask customers to sign up to pay $60 per month upfront(for a single channe-before they introduce the channel) and they are looking for 2000 customers before they bring the picture. It is very unlikely that people in the community would trust them.<br /><br />I believe the community has a potential of 20,000 customers in Australia & Newzealand.<br /><br />Hope it helps.