Satfreak<br />May I ask a simple question?, I have noticed this so have many others, why when you post especially when its an aggressive post ja is always ready there to answer?? what do you do ring him on the phone for a reply?, or do you just log on with a different ip?.<br /><br />Look you guys, make this very clear I don't give a shit about your pay TV regardless where it comes from. UBI, TVPlus, WMI etc who cares? I don't, All I care about is my life, My family, My cars, my house, my gardens, my job, and all my other hobbies which I have.<br />I don't work for UBI, If I ever went to Sydney and Walked into UBI nobody would know me, and the only <br />reason I EVER helped TARBS now UBI was because of my two friends which one is Dave Cottle who did <br />some work for TARBS/UBI but because the owner of this forum is in dispute with UBI and I can guess he will no longer ever do any more work for UBI, I've decided to stand downs as a Moderator on the forum.<br />And on another note since the owner of this site allowed the people that I banned on this forum for abusing to come back, I now no longer talk to D Cottle.