hi everyone!!<br /><br />Great site! I hope you guys could help me with a few questions.<br /><br />I was originally a Tarbs customer (back in the good old days) and once tarbs went bust, i showed interest in TV Plus. Unfortunatly they were not convincing, i signed an application with them but months went past without anyone contacting me. They also tried to take money out of my account without any prior communication or installment of the actuall service. As i can see some of you have this service and maybe you can tell me if they are dodgy or not.<br /><br />Another weird thing is that Pink, BK and BN come on every Monday for about 6-7 hours (during the day). My dish is currently on PAS 8, and these 3 channels are encrypted (apart from Monday). Do you know what the deal is with that?<br /><br />You also mentioned that RTS might come on board (they initially advertized Eurosport as well). I would seriously consider the service than, but i am still very sceptical.<br /><br />Thaks heaps for your help