16 New Channels on PAS8 KU <br />12646H 28066 ¾. Some have replaced Info cards and some are new channels.<br /><br />12646H 28066 ¾.<br /> Vid Audio<br />ART Global 512 640<br />ART Movies 513 641<br />LBC America 514 642<br />RAI NTSC 515 643<br />LBC Australia 516 644<br />ART Australia 517 645<br />RAI Pal 518 646<br />ART Latino 519 647<br />AL Jazeera 522 750<br />AL Arabiyah 525 753<br />AL Jazeera Pal 526 754<br />Kuwait TV 527 755<br />Video Italia 528 770<br />Tele Lumiere 530 790<br />Future TV 531 800<br />NTV 532 810
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