[]Unfortunately, we don't currently support subtitles yet. It's on the list of thing to investigate, but will take some time and depends upon the availability of subtitled feeds. (The UEC 990 STB is specified to support DVB subtitles to allow the possibility for this feature to be brought on line in the furure)<br /><br />We are in the process of organising an electronic program guide that will be Now/Next for the time being. Some of the channels are already supported, the remainder will come soon.<br /><br />We are investigateing a more fully featured EPG for our UEC STB, but this will take some time to integrate. We need to crawl before we walk...... [/]<br /><br />Look, a FULLY featured EPG is necessary and is surely a technical 'can do'. By that I mean a 7 day run, certainly on the Movie Network, perhaps CNN and BBC, but at least those movie channels.<br /><br />Take a good look for yourself at the ABS-CBN service on Pas 8 with *ANY* DVB irdeto STB to see how it actually looks, full 7 days all channels, excellent EPG, it really is. Ask them for the technical items/know how????<br /><br />Now and Next is all well and good and we'll celebrate that milestone by taking possession of New Zealand, but it really doesn't help 'plan' ones time, not all folk have internet or the time to randomly go through online TV Guides, or $ to continually buy TV Week.<br /><br />A 7-day EPG shouldn't just be made for UEC - the EPG *must* function fully for ALL DVB compliant (irdeto of course and technically irrelevant here, almost) decoders. An EPG soley for one brand of decoder is a restriction attempt aimed at alternative DVB compliant set top boxes, it is against an 'open consumer market'.<br /><br />It is legal and right that Select allow the use of owner equipment, it is also right that Select only look after that which it sells, naturally, but - Select should in good faith to those customers using their own personal gear, create an equal playing field by harmonising a DVB compliant EPG so that *all* customers can view those 7 days in advance AND then be able to press the i button for a synopsis if that exists for a program, just like on ABS/CBN!<br /><br />I can tell you ABS-CBN's 7 day EPG is a lot easier to navigate than say Austar or Foxtels disaster. THAT was surely created by long term drunkards, god its terrible, but is in part owing the mandatory dirt boxes they insist the great unwashed use.<br /><br />I should say any provider that insists fully, - that subscribers only use 'provided equipment' really are behind the eightball, a growing number of the populace do have nice expensive amplifiers with surround, large screens and so on. This IS a growing market reality, we DO like Optical & Component out over basic RF and Cinch. We like the ability to record to our PVR's and it's solely our responsibility in doing so, and it IS our inhereted right to do as we please in our private homes; - I would therefore encourage UBI to take whatever means necessary - to follow Selects market lead and allow free equipment choice for your customers, once your change over is complete. Can't tolerate market strangulation. A lot of geat gear out there - that as consumers we like, just let us use the damned stuff.<br /><br />We don't all have 34cm b/w or colour screens with mono sound! I write here as Consumer Advocate.<br /><br />BTW - My ABS/CBN supplied decoder, another pile of worthless manure as bad as that 'issued' forth by poor old Austar - to be kind as I can diplomatically could, - I threw out!! Cost me, but I couldn't care less, and am happier for having done so. It's the only ABS/CBN fault I can find,- 'mandatory equipment'. Absolute backward stupidity - this one position, 'use our gear or no sub', dumb, real dumb.<br /><br />Unless a law is passed by the Commonwealth Parliament to the contrary, NO restriction of choice of set top box should be made. I've said it elsewhere and I say it here, the *only* "enforceable" law is that expressley passed by parliament. Company or supplier agent 'policy' does not and will not cut it at law.<br /><br />SELECT - SOUND: People around the forums are nagging, rightly, about unbalanced sound levels on the channels, some scream - some whisper, - along those lines, I assumed one customer complaining was the result of too much drink, but two, three and more?? A party maybe?<br /><br />VISION QUALITY: I challenge anyone to watch 'comfortably' ANY Ku service over Australia on a large screen TV whilst it is set to 'sharp'. The future years must see this quality level improve, drastically. A look at some C band services improves things dramatically! I liken our video quality to those of trapped miners, all very compressed.<br /><br />I now await the arrival of an MPEG 4 decoder for C band HD, one day maybe. How bout Ku?<br /><br />Will SOMEONE here make an effort at getting us NASA TV, please? One should not have to fly to NZ to watch it. Andy Thomas is an Australian, not a Kiwi - last time I checked.