Everyody wants somthing for nothing ..... at the end of the day, the Greek Government are going to get sick and tired of paying the entire cost of this service - that is why they are going out for tender again.

If you want ERT to continue in Australia, the community needs to find a way to help offset the costs. The worst case is that ERT will get sick of bleeding money and just shut the service down.

At the moment, TARBS/UBI gets ERT free to add to their Greek package and make it look more attractive by virtue of it being on B3. TARBS/UBI do not pay a single cent to ERT for this service - they are just sucking it dry for all it is worth.

The risk you run is that one day it will disapear completly, or be $30 p.m. ....... Everyone wants it for nothing, but nobody will support the channel - even just for a few dollars per month !!!

Last edited by TV_Nerd; Wed 09 Aug 2006 05:38:AM.