Try to update the Cam sure ,but also the firmware update for your reciever may also be the fix?I have several 2.09 cams in use here an several 2.06 cams purchased from various dates back to early 2003,vaious partno.s.Ive had to update None! they all have worked after various Selectv viewing issues eg activation,non viewing. fimware versions ,update of the recievers have cured all the example strong4800II ,X2.a maxplus,a Topfield 3000ci.The Id SensorCI Im not sure? check their website ?end of day the risk of ruin your cam or reciever from a faulty update is to be considered.either a new cam or my experience I know of more ruin unworking Cams than the $$ involved Your Choice? to do the upgrades? to consider a new embeded compliant reciever for selectv may be the way to go?for the$$. Cheers!