This thread is perfect for the following information, TVPlus management, what management?

TVPlus is replacing Pink Extra, a hugely popular channel, for A1 Plus. Now A1 Plus I'm sure is a great channel, but how many Macedonian subscribers does TVPlus have, to cater for? You would think that they'd concentrate on their main subscriber base, the Serbs, but no, TVPlus doesn't have a clue with what's going on.

It gets worse, TVPlus will remain a 4 channel slot provider. That means no matter how many channels they get, they'll only have 4 slots available. Time sharing anyone? No, didn't think so.
Why get channels when you can't show them?

Now, this isn't all TVPlus' fault. Yes, they're f*cked as hell, but I blame UBI aswell. Why are they letting a small company with jack all subscribers take away good channels? I mean, what is TVPlus offering them, that UBI can't, free lap dances?

The sooner TVPlus is wiped out, the better it will be for all.

Hurry up UBI and take them DOWN!