
If you honestly expect the Turkish community to buy your story of LIG TV increasing their cost to you then the UBI CEO who by the way is TURKISH, should come out openly and publish the request letter from LIG TV in all of the Turkish Community papers. This will not only help UBI's case but will then ensure people do not cancel their subscription on the belief that UBI is just plainly exploiting the current members. Don't forget it was the Turkish community that basically funded UBI in its early days. The reason I suggest this is because I myself do not believe it due to the fact that when UBI was launched I contacted several TV stations and found out that UBI informed them of what it intended to charge for the monthly subscription. Unfortunately UBI told one station in particular that thepublic would be charged only $30 a month and not the current $60 we pay. Based on this I wonder how much UBI is actually paying for the access rights?