I also had a quiet evening. It was a hot day yesterday, Halloween day, but in the early evening a cool change came through creating strong winds and lots of noises outside as dusk settled. blink

Still, the house was quite hot and took a while to cool down. So as I slept I had a vivid dream that I was too warm and went outside to sit on the front porch steps in the cool dark. I sat out there for a while when I started to feel something was watching me. It was a multi-dimensional feeling that it was all around me. It then occurred to my dreaming self that it was Halloween night, hence a likely time for mischievous spirits roaming about.

As I had that thought, it struck a slight cord of fear in me and as such, quickly drew the entity to me (like attracting like). I went indoors chastising myself for not remembering what night it was. chuckle

Can't remember much else of that. dunno