Reading a few forums around it seems that its the end of piracy in the pay tv arena once and for all, no more sellers going around flogging off gold cards white cards or what ever they are out of business.<br />But has foxtel and other won NO! <br />For some they had a ligit foxtel card and made clones of it for there other decoders, some had a ligit card with a basic package and made clones between the family and close friends and had it fully open for all channels and shared the bill between themselves and today that Irdeto 1 is dead what are these poor people watching THE FUCKING SAME , NOTHING HAS CHANGED just how to do it everybody has Dreamboxes and instead of coping or cloning the cards only one card ligit new red card is needed, it fullly paid for, the $98 package and presto its shared over the internet Vis ADSL or Broardband.<br />And to top it off it can be done with other boxes like Nokias, Humax's using a interface out the card reader to a computer connected to the internet.<br />You have to feal a little pity for the pay tv providers they have won the battle but are they going to win the war?? buy the time they scratch there heads with card sharing over the internet, the Irdeto 2 will be broken like this German exchange student said. You will NEVER see any of use caught dead on any forum (talking about his older brother), the real brains are out off sight from the pay tv arena, he told me they learnt a lesson from Irdeto 1 it was plasted in every forum on the planet how to crack it and this was its downfall because the sellers got onto it and the pat tv companies had to do something about it.<br />Just wondering Why would someone want to record a data stream on a hardisk and send it back to Germany, sounds a bit fishy.<br />Fred