I want all you guys to give me an opinion: Please read very carefully:<br /><br />I was told by a gentleman that he can do this is three hours. Am I missing something? Can you please tell me how long approximately it would take you to do this installation COMPLETELY as per below at the persons residence:<br /><br />1. The computer has had a new hard drive fitted and is waiting for someone to install the works.<br /><br />2. Installing Windows XP pro, first by formatting the hard drive not using quick format but using the full format.<br /><br />3. Once XP is fully installed and rebooted, install the motherboard drivers, reboot the computer again, install video card drivers, sound card drivers, SCSI card drivers and the rest. Reboot the computer.<br /><br />4. Install Microsoft Office and waiting to be registered.<br /><br />5. Install firewall programs.<br /><br />6. Install Nortons Anti-virus.<br /><br />7. Install Ad-aware and any other trojan hunting program.<br /><br />8. Install other programs like Adobe shop, paint shop pro etc.<br /><br />Now the fun starts, you set up your internet connection and you are connected to a SLOW DIAL UP PROVIDER that is downloading an average of 2.8KB per second. I want you to remember this.<br /><br />9. As soon as you connect onto the internet, you must do a live update for your Nortons anti-virus. Thats around 18 MB at 2.8KB a second. How long will that take???<br /><br />10. You know have to do your Windows XP critical updates, around 32 MB on a new installation. Now how long would it take 32 MB to be downloaded at 2.8KB a second? <br /><br />11. Update your engine for Ad-aware and trojan hunter programs, a few MB there.<br /><br />12. Now the gentleman wanted to run the latest Netscape 7.2. Thats around 26 MB for a full download over the net as the discs are stale. 26 MB times 2.8 KB a second.<br /><br />13. We wont talk about the updates for the personal firewalls and all the other small programs you stick into a computer like Nero/Pioneer etc.<br /><br />By the time you get to the end of this, do you think all the above would take more than 3 hours as I said around 10 (REMEMBER THIS IS A DIAL UP CONNECTION) but I was told I was wrong. What is your opinion on this? <br /> <br />Phil <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/default/confused.gif" />