Phil<br />It is physically impossible to do the above in three hours. You can install XP on a new drive using quick format, do a full install + install the other programmes in around 2 to 3 hrs but as you have explained that is only the start of it. Only an IDIOT would connect to the internet without doing first a LIVE UPDATE on their virus checker first and at 18mb with a 2.8kb d/load you will be able to do your shopping between that. As for XP critical updates around 32 mb (sugar) You will be able to go to the pictures and see the Titanic and come back and it still will be downloading at that speed.<br />And for the rest of the downloads its the same, SLOW!!!.<br />And this is if the connection doesn't drop out.<br />get your calculator out but for a guess I would say 9 to 10 hours if everything goes to plan.<br />Fred