How would you spend your last day on Earth? Astronaut Don Pettit ponders launch preparations in his latest poem from the space station.
Last Day on Earth
The day before launch
maybe gone for a year
perhaps half right
Your last day on Earth
what would you do?
Robbing the piggybank of time
to spend it on what ever you desire
We live in quarantine
a flower by any other name
that smells like white collar prison
You know your crew well
they become your second family
I have said my good byes
the hugs are done
a walk on the beach
and time for a good cry
You eat anything you want
No one speaks of this as a last supper
but it is
You time your bathroom habits
do I drink my morning coffee?
Like a dike holding back the sea
will my diaper survive
oh the marvels of rocket science
A solitary walk with nature
no see-ums
decorating my ankles with nasty red bumps
a parting kiss from Mother Earth
We study like students
cramming for an exam
this time a mistake costs more than ten points
Focus on your duties
it won't fail because of me
Like Samson's hair
my family
the root to all my strength
I will return
Oh how does one spend your last day on Earth
What would you do?

Don's blog also appears at

David Cottle

UBB Owner & Administrator