Depending on your perspective, Twitter can either be a valuable source of breaking news, or a fire hose of miscellaneous, often dubious information. Microsoft researchers are investigating whether the microblogging service could serve another, more scientific function--to spot signs of postpartum depression in new mothers based on changes in how and what they tweet.The research is in its early stages and in some ways relies heavily on data that's easy to misinterpret. Yet the experiment is noteworthy both for its objective--to potentially identify and assist young families in distress--and for the idea that social media might be mined for the good of social science. An added benefit could be the development of apps installed on smartphones, tablets and computers that can monitor tweets, flag warning signs and discretely offer assistance to women who otherwise might suffer quietly. [More]

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Source: Your Smartphone Just Diagnosed You with Postpartum Depression

David Cottle

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