ARLB023 ARRL Frequency Measuring Test 2006 Goes Back to Basics

ARRL Bulletin 23 ARLB023
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT November 8, 2006
To all radio amateurs

ARLB023 ARRL Frequency Measuring Test 2006 Goes Back to Basics

The ARRL Frequency Measuring Test (FMT) this year will represent a
return to basics: Measuring the carrier frequency of the transmitted
signal. Engineer and Contributing Editor Ward Silver, N0AX, spells
out the details of FMT 2006 in the article ''Frequency Measuring Test
2006 - Back to Basics, Plus,'' which appears on p 50 of November QST
and on the ARRL Web site,

''You don't have to own a rack full of sophisticated test equipment,''
Silver advises. ''By calibrating your radio to a known frequency
reference such as WWV or CHU and letting the radio reach an even,
stable temperature, your measurements can be within 1 part per
million (ppm) or even better.''

FMT transmissions from ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station W1AW
at League Headquarters in Connecticut will take place on 160, 80 and
40 meters starting at 0245 UTC on Thursday, November 16 (Wednesday,
November 15, in US time zones), replacing the W1AW phone bulletin.
Approximate frequencies will be 1853 kHz, 3586 kHz and 7039 kHz. An
initial call-up will take place on all three bands. During the FMT,
W1AW will indicate the band for the upcoming transmission. W1AW's
FMT 2006 transmissions will start on 160 meters.

To better accommodate stations west of the Mississippi, Mike Fahmie,
WA6ZTY, has volunteered to transmit a separate West Coast FMT signal
on 40 meters from the San Francisco area. The FMT transmission from
WA6ZTY will begin at 0330 UTC on approximately 7029 kHz.

FMT participants should listen to the W1AW CW or digital bulletin
transmission prior to the FMT to determine which band will provide
the best conditions for reception and measurement purposes. The W1AW
test will consist of three 60-second continuous carrier
transmissions on each band, followed by a series of Morse dits and
station identification. The whole test will run for about 15 minutes
and will end with a series of Vs followed by a station ID.

The West Coast FMT from WA6ZTY will begin with a general call at 10
WPM CW of ''QST DE WA6ZTY''. The measurement period begins with ''NOW
40 METERS''. Transmissions consisting of one minute of continuous
carrier and 10 seconds of Morse dits will follow. The West Coast FMT
will conclude with 15 seconds of Vs followed by a station ID.

All FMT participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Those coming closest to the measured frequency will be listed in the
test report and receive special recognition on their certificate.
Submit entries via e-mail to or via the USPS to
W1AW/FMT, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. Entries must be received
or postmarked by December 16, 2006.