[Via Satellite 03-08-2016] ABS announced it has been granted landing rights from the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) in Dec. 2015 to operate its first satellite in Brazil, the new ABS 3A satellite on both C and Ku band. ABS 3A is an all-electrical propulsion satellite that entered operation in August 2015. The satellite is [...]

The post Brazil Grants ABS Landing Rights for ABS-3A on C and Ku band at 3 Degrees West appeared first on Via Satellite.

Source: [url=http://www.satellitetoday.com/telecom/2016/03/08/brazil-grants-abs-landing-rights-for-abs-3a-on-c-and-ku-bands-at-3-degrees-west/]Brazil Grants ABS Landing Rights for ABS-3A on C and Ku band at 3 Degrees West[/url]

David Cottle

UBB Owner & Administrator