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I have been away for a few weeks and this thread has gone ape, I will have to sit down for a few days just to catch up on whats been going on. I see Cathy the stirrer is back as she always goes where the action is but in all the lot of you three cheers for you all and up yours any government department that behave this way.
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Im reading stuff sent to me in the mail, AT THE MOMENT. i will see were this goes. From my experience and a few others the threatening and other crap will never come via the mail as they are not that stupid to leave a smelly paper trail. There is one thing I have learn't about them and that is they're all brainwashed by the same manual, there like robots trying to destroy their enemy but the trouble is sometime they try to destroy the innocent and the wrong person.
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I have been away for a few weeks and this thread has gone ape, I will have to sit down for a few days just to catch up on whats been going on. I see Cathy the stirrer is back as she always goes where the action is but in all the lot of you three cheers for you all and up yours any government department that behave this way. Musicman Long time no see, yes Cathy does her bit in the shit shoveling department
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you no australia make me sick as you have to much bulshit in this country i am serb but i was born in macedonian i hate macedonia the wife and family are serbian what a headache but we come to australia for new life as war kill most of my oldre family so we escape war to come to sydney and drunk driver kill my daughter and smat law man make him free man you have to much bulshit in this country as australia never has had war here no murder no rape of women murder young like back home no noting just winge because australia has noting better to do and makes people like this docks that get everyone in troble do you think we have this docks in where i come from no we have no comminist pigs in our country as they would not last a minute if some like docks try to take child. in my country you toch or take my children the family come after you and you finish what make australa with al this bulshit docks docks rubbish weak country weak people corupt people where i come from the law is the gun australia weak auatralia need war and this docks rubish go away it like storm storm come clean the sky war come to australa on day and docs forget rubbish and dress for war. sorry poor english
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Good evening,
Great comments and reading tonight.
Ihategov - without knowing what these people PM you about and don't write it here. I wonder if some of them are going through the docs process of being taken legally taken to the highway to hell. They are probably too scared to write due to fear of repercussion from this department. Remember what the ex-CSO said 'some docs workers are vindictive' so if this is the case of them not wanting to publicly discuss their concerns due to this fact, then I can hardly blame them for choosing to PM you. This group of people are very vulnerable.
Now about the issue of 'some parents deserving to have their kids taken off them' or however that was put. I really believe that ultimately a child is best with their primary care-givers. Some parents look pretty rough to me, but I am not to judge. This is where I think the government should be putting more bucks into PREVENTION. So if some families are identified as high needs with children at risk, parenting issues etc THEN there needs to be more community services available like the likes of Triple P parenting courses, lifeline courses, Amend. But from where I stand in the world there isn't a huge lot of these programs around that is easily accessible to parents. Docs intervention is very heavy handed and punitive - I don't believe this whole current process of tearing families apart (gosh, not to mention the confabulations and conspiracies by docs workers to keep the family apart is justifiable anymore. This current whole way of intervening in families is archaic and draconian in approach. Just because a parent has had a mental health issue or drug and alcohol problem does not warrent a child being removed from their home. It's just not good enough to have one part of the government saying that we work on 'harminimisation' and another department (i.e. docs) coming from a whole different paradigm. I, along with many other health professionals in this community believe that going straight to this extreme measures that docs employ is vastly useless to building stronger families and hence communities.
Yes, to EW, I have problems understanding the operations of CSA as well. How can the father of my child be completely exempt from paying child support (yes, that is $0.00) until Nov 2009. Father lives interstate and see child 1/2 school holidays and when it suits him otherwise. Then a girlfriend of mine has one son living with her and the other son lives with his father and SHE has to PAY the father about $160 per week because she is the higher earner, and that son who lives (son chooses this, as both boys are teenagers under 15 yo) with his father still sees her on weekends and whenever. The CSA is another tragic organisation. I (of course i would have) rung them up and said how can this be? Oops, getting of the main subject here.
Yes, I am concerned about this report of docs knocking on the priniciples door every day in one week. I believe this and am not surprised. I wonder which branch of docs? Must be Strathpine/ Burpengary.
Good on you Notvyet for writing that comment. It is so true. Australia is going mad. Politicians in this country are so far removed from the real world of what is happening out there to the little man. I was only saying this today to like minded workers who are at the coal face of today's reality. (We were discussing the issue of homeless people and how the government are doing very little and don't recognise this problem.) Anyway why spend money on social issues (such as the need for increasing parenting confidence and skill, homelessness, poverty, indigenous health, etc when you can spend money on terrorism/ security. Look at your safety net for the poorest Australians - it doesn't matter really to the government. Votes, money, power, greed.
And finally (it's 10pm) I will write more of my journal on here. And yes, I will look up statistics and other tid bits of information that (I find interesting) may be useful to someone.
And really finally now think about ways to get this message across. What could we do? I personally think a lobby group needs to start up to repeal this current child protection act. Do you have a social conscience? I do. Cheers.
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EDIT - oops, typo - it should read above (re: CSA comment) that the mother sees her son who lives with his father on weekends and whenever. Not what I typed out?
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Good evening,
Great comments and reading tonight.
Ihategov - without knowing what these people PM you about and don't write it here. I wonder if some of them are going through the docs process of being taken legally taken to the highway to hell. They are probably too scared to write due to fear of repercussion from this department. You are 100% spot on what you say above
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Now about the issue of 'some parents deserving to have their kids taken off them' or however that was put. I really believe that ultimately a child is best with their primary care-givers. Some parents look pretty rough to me, but I am not to judge. This is where I think the government should be putting more bucks into PREVENTION.
Again I agree. I personally know of one family that her husband did bash her twice but I knew the guy and I noticed he had signs of depression. 1/ He worked for a 2 bob company and every 24 months or so workers were made to sign new workplace agreements and you guesses it each time the wages went down. 2/ He continually told his wife to stop smoking to save money (forget about the health side of it) 3/ The boss sent him to work like others at a long distance from home after their traveling expenses were removed. (Petrol) 4/ Interest rates (Behind in their mortgage) 5/ Fights at home as he would come home and find the house untidy and wife sitting on her arse + sister in law always there in the ear of his wife. 6/ Husband bans sister in law coming over the house as this stop his wife doing home duties from monday to friday Sat and Sun ok 7/ sister in law puts complaints in to Police that he hit his wife 8/ Cops come, the wife said its only happened twice and she didn't want charges laid. Cops say to husband get help! 9/ Can't get help as he works 6 days a week 10/ Sister in law rings DOCS and tells them he is bashing the wife and the kids. 11/ DOCS visit him but nothing gets done because they find no evidence. 12/ Sister in Law rings DOCS again but this time she said he was sexually touching them 13/ DOCS and JAB come, remove him from the house. 14/ He sets more into depression 15/ He loses his Job 16/ They lose the house. 17/ The wife and the kids now live with sister in law. 18/ The sister in law now happy 19/ May she rot in hell 20/ How do I know this happened. 21/ After getting booted out from my house where did you think I lived for a long time (time not specified) I have eyes you know, no money, I tried helping with the money but was not enough, kids want this, she wants that, he waste money sometimes via gambling and what you have above is a mess and in my eyes prevention would have been betten than a DOCS cure that was never proven and he was never charged by the Police with anything so work that out. The above is true and a fucking disgrace.
Last edited by I Hate GOV, DEPT; Wed 15 Oct 2008 12:01:PM.
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The forum today has had an update and from now on it will be called Department of Child Safety. Because that one and only thread has been getting so long and the important articles are getting lost the owner and myself have decided to give it an update.
From now on you will be able to start a new thread in this dedicated forum.
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Hi All, My partner asked me to post this on here, as he has no access to a computer as yet, as i mentioned before Docs took that right away from him too, also just a little update, I had a visitor tonight, police, came searching the house again to see if my partner was hiding here, as the so called carer that is meant to be looking after him, told DOCs and police that he was back a the house. Guess who ended up with egg on their face...Yeps the police, they went straight around to where my parnter is staying to check....How good did that make us feel, just another complaint we can put towards the carer.
Okay this is what he has asked me to put on this site. Hopefully next week he may be up and running and can contribute here.
SA will make the same mistakes as QLD did
Its not about Truth. Its not about inoccents. Its about bussiness.
From Queensland to South Australia, It is the governments bussiness to destroy families.
The local police, Without investigating, Will take the words of Family SA(DOCS) and march in a normal home and Abuse the law and that family.
They have already pre-judged with only the words of a corrupted department
They will place you on the streets and leave you there to die.
They will also demand that the partner WILL stop the relationship or she will have her children removed.
Nazi stand of tactics, Yet Rudd stated No one is above the law. But Family SA(DOCS) are way over, Rudd stated, No more children will be stolen. Yet Family SA(DOCS) are still doing the stealing. And a new Stolen generation begins.
Justice?., Australia dont have this justice. here the government calls it 'Cover Up'.
And people from other countries want to come here to start a new life. I would relocate, Dont come if you value your family. Stay away from here, Cos, once these penis smokers from child safety set their claws into you, your life is over. Its 'bussiness' as normal for the australian government to remove children from you, it is the governments bussiness to take as much as they can from you. Your best Asset....is your children, they are a commodity and will be abused.
Human rights WILL not help you, for you do not fall under a heading to be a human for the help.
But, remember this, it IS the government that made this law to steal children, They placed that Law into our lives. Yet when we complain to them of this abuse, they heads of government reply with, we cant help.
What happened to Innocent until proven guilty
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wat roung with this country ever one say same story this country mad no war in this country make people war between themselve this docks nazi the way they do this i tell this to my freind i show this to my family in serbia and they say like me australa mad contry and that say same that australa need big war with say nother country and it will forget bout this docks as docks murder commonist pigs for steal children in this country so docs will have to ware uniform to fight but full of women docks i read, they no fight they cowards only good for docks shit no good for war as they put hands up. sorry poor english
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Well this thread and views have climbed in two days... well found some very interesting information via a brochure that is made available to Child SAfety staff that advises them of child protection research. It's called Horizon. In the 2nd edition of Horizon, it has an article about parents experience of child protection intervention. Let's just say that child safety are very well aware of the power throw they do to parents and how scared parents feel feigning so-called care and concern etc... I post relevant parts of this article: November 2006 Edition 2 Parental experience of Child protection Intervention: A qualitative study Child abuse and neglect, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 27-37 Gary Dumbrill 2006 This Canadian study explores parents’ experiences with the child protection system. The article considers the impact of the intervention process and interaction with child protection workers on parents. All parents involved in the study perceived child protection services as more powerful than themselves. Almost all participants felt the services use their power in a coercive and disciplinary manner. Some parents reported being frightened and unable to challenge or have discussions with child protection workers, even when the allegations were unfounded. ‘Holy, man I was scared! I didn’t know where to go or what to do. I kept saying to her, “oh here we go again”. She said, “I’m not here to scare you”. Well you are because you are scaring me right now, you’re in my house!’ Comment by Matthew J Armstrong Senior Practitioner South Burnett CSSC “I guess sometimes we get so overwhelmed by rapid changes, competing demands, and the aggressive nature of some of our clients that we feel pretty powerless ourselves. This article has caused me to take stock and realise that from a parent’s perspective, we are extremely powerful forces in their lives – for good or for evil. As a senior practitioner, I often see the broader view of complex cases and I agree with the findings of this article. Both the actual and perceived use of power can make a huge difference in any situation. Feelings of exclusion, victimisation, and disempowerment set an underlying tone to people’s interaction with the department. Making a client feel validated, acknowledged and respected can completely reframe their response to our intervention. For this reason, an analysis of power differentials is an important part of any case discussion – commencing with a critical awareness of our own behaviour. If I take one message away from this study, it is that we need to see each parent’s behaviour towards us in context. It will usually make sense if we look at it from their point of view. To quote the paper itself, we should lessen our ‘emphasis on starting intervention by understanding the ways parents view the problems that cause the need for intervention, and increase our emphasis on understanding how parents perceive us using power in the process of addressing these problems’.” The Horizon article can be found at http://www.childsafety.qld.gov.au/research/documents/horizons-2006-11.pdfpage 2.
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wat roung with this country ever one say same story this country mad no war in this country make people war between themselve this docks nazi the way they do this i tell this to my freind i show this to my family in serbia and they say like me australa mad contry and that say same that australa need big war with say nother country and it will forget bout this docks as docks murder commonist pigs for steal children in this country so docs will have to ware uniform to fight but full of women docks i read, they no fight they cowards only good for docks shit no good for war as they put hands up. sorry poor english I can see your point notvyet as Australia is a lucky Country and has virtually never experienced War at its foot steps except for WW2 Japs at Darwin. And I do agree what you say that countries like Australia with no conflict problems do suffer with internally generated problems like what DoCS is doing but you would also find other countries similar doing the same as to what DoCs does.
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All parents involved in the study perceived child protection services as more powerful than themselves. Almost all participants felt the services use their power in a coercive and disciplinary manner.
Some parents reported being frightened and unable to challenge or have discussions with child protection workers, even when the allegations were unfounded.
These bits attracted my attention
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my computers down, in the servo at the moment, but i'll be back soon.
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I have to thank the people who are responsible for this site for allowing abused families to relieve their frustrations when dealing with the Department of Child Safety.
I am another who has had vindictive allegations put against me and my family. Before we knew it the police and Child Safety were knocking on the door falsely accusing me of abusing the girl next door. Absolutely no evidence, absolutely nothing but we stupidly let them in the house to interview us and interview our children and before you know it, they asked me to leave my house, which I did following the police directive. The next day our children were removed from school and taken to a Child Safety office and kept there for a few hours. The wife received a phone call from Child Safety calling her to come to the office as they had concerns that I abused this girl next door and I would abuse my own children, but within minutes the concerns turned to fact and my wife strenuously denied it. But whilst she was there talking, the phone rang and my wife heard the CSO say "Is that auscity idiot at it again is it?" "Whats it saying this time?" "Anymore people put comments on their?" or something very similar to the above. After the wife left with our children my wife contacted me and explained to me the circumstances, that they had evidence against me, which is a crock of shit as they have no evidence as nothing has ever happened.
The wife being good with computers did a search for this auscity, autocity, oscity or whatever but eventually google found it after a while but it was hard and it made very interesting reading. I am not allowed to go anywhere near my house as they have threatened my wife that they will remove my children from home if I even come anywhere near the house.
I have to thank the people on this forum because the next day and thereafter has bought everything that has been said on this forum to life, examples trying to find out where my friends are and I was stupid enough to tell them, so they hassled them, telling them the above which I found unethical, but what was said to my friend is still not known as they also threaten him too if I come there they will lose their kids too. Within days my boss found out about it and I was asked to take some time off, days later I receive a phone call via my mobile from the mother of the child that I was supposed to have abused and spoke to her but she sounded very strange over the phone and my lawyer later warned me immediately that this phone conversation would have been recorded and this is exactly what this forum says, as my lawyer told me, although the law has just been passed, but not yet implemented for phone tapping, the police have been doing it for years with a loophole and its called pre-text telephone call, so the author of this forum is correct, they try to entrap you via a phone conversation. The wife also told that the two times they removed our children from school, once they asked the children would they like to draw some diagrams or pictures or something just to fill in some time, but now I read on this site that they use these diagrams against you and there is a possibility as said here that they are fudging the colours they give the children, are they that desperate to put an innocent man away? There is no evidence, there is nothing, all there is, is evidence of this neighbour who complains about everyone, whose daughter has been continually mistreating our cat and she has decided to retaliate against me all because of what my children did to her. I am lost for words as this is just over a month now but never in my life have truer words been said on this site as to exactly what happened to us. I would like to ask a question if I may that they told my wife that the children will need professional counseling done by the government due to all the trauma that has happened in the last month but all the kids want is to be left alone.
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It did not take long but the wife just contacted me and the CSO just told her not to put anything on the internet but I will not be bullied as I will do what I have to just in case if things get out of hand. Where I am staying now for the time being has good internet access and a friend willing to help me use it correctly.
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wat roung with this country ever one say same story this country mad no war in this country make people war between themselve this docks nazi the way they do this i tell this to my freind i show this to my family in serbia and they say like me australa mad contry and that say same that australa need big war with say nother country and it will forget bout this docks as docks murder commonist pigs for steal children in this country so docs will have to ware uniform to fight but full of women docks i read, they no fight they cowards only good for docks shit no good for war as they put hands up. sorry poor english I can relate to a few points you talk about here as Australia is a bored country and thrives on bullshit and this DOCS is nothing but bullshit for what they do. I could just imagine what would happen if DOCS ever knocked on your door back in the days of war (we all know that would never happen)to remove your children. The best thing about this DOCKS like you call them here in QLD and the rest of the similar governments dept in the country is when your last child is over the age of 18 this DOCKS can DOCKS off. Ever since I started this years ago the two MAJOR PM's I was getting was related too. 1/ Need help as DOCS have come into our life. 2/ Thank you after reading this we have decided not to have any kids as we want to enjoy ourselves and not be burdened with children. PS DO YOU BLAME THEM.
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Hello, I know I have been bit quiet lately. I have been tired and busy with other things in life. But I intend to keep posting stuff about docs. Cheers.
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Good on you because I will.
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All parents involved in the study perceived child protection services as more powerful than themselves. Almost all participants felt the services use their power in a coercive and disciplinary manner.
Some parents reported being frightened and unable to challenge or have discussions with child protection workers, even when the allegations were unfounded.
These bits attracted my attention This is so true, they use their stand over tactics and use the children against you. Of course we are intimidated and scared. We get told do nothing until your lawyer gets there, but when it is late at night and your lawyer cant be contacted.... What do you do???? They certainly scare me...For days and night people like me sit there waiting just for another unannounced visit from them
What happened to Innocent until proven guilty
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WoW more joining and plenty to read
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All parents involved in the study perceived child protection services as more powerful than themselves. Almost all participants felt the services use their power in a coercive and disciplinary manner.
Some parents reported being frightened and unable to challenge or have discussions with child protection workers, even when the allegations were unfounded.
These bits attracted my attention This is so true, they use their stand over tactics and use the children against you. Of course we are intimidated and scared. We get told do nothing until your lawyer gets there, but when it is late at night and your lawyer cant be contacted.... What do you do???? They certainly scare me...For days and night people like me sit there waiting just for another unannounced visit from them And they know this and this is the reason why sometimes they do it this way.
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50,000 Views WoW, I won't be happy until I see 1,000,000 Views or better still every Adult in this Country that has viewed this site.
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I have lost 2 partners and 3 children in a space of 4 yrs. these partners caved in to DOCS brainwashing tactics and love becomes hate. Now, DOCS and Family SA are working on my 3rd partner(WantsJustice). She is a strong woman , a good mother, she stands up for the truth. Family SA stand over tactics are no different to DOCS in QLD. But, because WantsJustice wont give up on me, Family SA uses their scare tactics, when that didnt work, they now plan to remove her daughter. DOCS might as well place a gun to her head for the actions is unwarranted.
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I do know that even if you're not convicted in a court of law on Child abuse and you have jumped from one female partner to another DOCS here in QLD does warn your new partner if they can find her or if you live with her that you were charged with sex Offenses but not proven in court, they hope you haven't told your new girlfriend the above. Now this is mainly used if the new Girlfriend has kids and I am totally against this as this alone proves that DOCS are above the law. If you were fount guilty, spent time in jail well that could be a little different. Remember what I said before If you're found not guilty in Court DOCS doesn't recognize that as the Crown looks at that they the Crown had insufficient evidence to sink you. Now that is sick! see you're never innocent and you lose either way.
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I dont have the funds to do as I like to do. I cant afford a lawyer, legal aid is a joke. hence why I mentioned a kind of rally at the PM's front door. media will jump on that. Its good to come to pages like this and voice out our hurts of pain and suffering. Words are just words till action is giving. Docs in most cases only rely on words that only they have written down. Its those words from DOCS that murders life. I have NO issue when DOCS get it right. BUT!!!! when they get it wrong and add more to it to enhance their claims, Thats what needs to be investigated, just like the Forde Inquiry did and found them (DOCS) to be the abusers. DOCS also has a criminal record and that can be used against them( I know,I use it already on them) At the end of the day the more you attack them,the more hell is made for you. I have nothing else to live for,DOCS murdered my family and me,not once, or twice, but 3 times,the 3rd is still with me fighting back.she gives me the reason to lash back to DOCS to run them down in the best way I know how, With Truth.
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Well guys, when does it stop, they are still nipping at my head, my eldest gets a phone call today, telling her that they are going to take my daughter away, going to court to get the court order, as they have a someone that has witnessed my partner coming into the house with my daughter there, unbelievable, I wasnt even home Saturday night i was out to dinner, and my elder daughter and friend babysat my younger daughter, we have receipts, proof etc to say we were out, and during the conversation the same as she said to my daughter she said to me, and I know where this false report came from, the guy that was meant to be helping my partner, that kicked him out of the slum he was in, and told the police he was at my house on the thursday night also. He is also on charges for giving false reports to the police prior. Surely you would think Docs and the Police would put two and two together, but no they are looking for every bit of ammunition to destroy the love in this family and to cop it all off the hitler at Docs said she had my best interest at heart.....My lawyer said just sit back and wait for them to get the court order, then wait for her to be removed, before she can do anything... Well I wrote the above half hour ago, and just had to say goodbye to my daughter, My eldest daughter has just taken her away for the week. That was so hard for me to do, but i know she will be safe and away from those frken ass holes that say they have the best interests of the child at heart.
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thats exactly the same rubbish they used against me. See when they raided my house expecting to find me home, which I was not, which I was 30 kms away, like I said on another post, they sent General duty or highway patrol cops around, who knew nothing about what was going on except I wasn't supposed to be there. Now in my FOI document, it said that my neighbour spotted me there and reported me to the Department of Child Safety. The only trouble is I live on 50 acres and you can't see any of my neighbours. But this shows you how stupid the police were, whilst the police were trolling around my house, my wife rang me immediately on my mobile where I was 30 kms away like I said. I immediately got off the phone whilst the cops were still there and rang my lawyer and got some information. I immediately rang home again whilst the cops were walking out of the house and this is all I needed. By using my mobile phone both ways, it leaves a footprint, please check your telephone bill, you will find your mobile phone connects to a particular mobile phone tower, so how could I be at the house and one minute later, be 30 kms away talking on a mobile, connected to this tower. Please check your bills, this is just one of the 18 ways I have fucked the police and DOCS. They are ignorant on technology and I will use it against them. This DOCS mole that started all this, stating that I was there was an absolute fucking liar and she went into DENIAL, DOCS's favourite word, denial followed by GROOMING.
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I sit down to enjoy my dinner a 6PM and what do i see on CH 7, POLICE CORRUPTION BIG TIME AT THE Gold Coast and Surfers Paradise. Please watch / read the papers as I missed most of it.
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Just finished watching the update on the evening news on Channel 7 and it seems the shit has hit the fan with dirty cops lying to get search warrants, Arresting innocent people just to get the numbers up in the arrest ranks to make the fat pigs look good. This is only a start but on the other side it took a honest cop to blow the whistle on these bastards. Now did someone say the Police don't Lie?, Did someone say the Police and DOCS don't set someone up only because you pissed them off, did someone say the Police don't lie under oath or ever do anything wrong, did someone ever say that Police never break any of the laws they force on us. It make me happy when I read or see stories like this and don't worry guys and gals as it will happen one day that DOCS will split open and the pollies will say we never knew?, Nobody ever told us this was happening.
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Hello, I have read all the above comments with great interest. Even though I have had dealing with docs on a personal and professional level there is a lot of information that is new (should I say awakening about docs) to me so I am soaking it all in. You know from what I see docssniper you are fucked really. I think docs operate the first time they are notified they act very casually. Second time they are notified they spring into action and start to pull out all guns. Mate, this is the third time. Docs may as well just literally hang you!! I am not trying to be nasty or put you down but I do also think you are all too fully aware of how they operate. So how are you going to play the game now? I am glad you are on this forum. I did mention to wantsjustice that you should change your name to Dennis and then you might get housed at the cost of the government. Sorry, about being sarcastic and half smart but I can't help it. You know I keep asking myself this question - why do they need to falsify their information for the courts? I mean, shees, if the parent was so bad, and so unsuitable to care for their own child then surely they don't need to falsify their records. I have experienced this plenty of times whilst docs were involved in my life. I actually should go through my stuff and count the actual intentional lies! Probably around 20 or so at a guess. Yes, docs like to bluff people with their super powers! But they told me 'we are more powerful than the family courts'. And the intimidation and bullying is first class. They are experts in these kind of tactics. I am concerned that you have all this political posturing from the government about how good this system is (see all those key words on their docs' sites about accountability, partnerships, prevention etc etc ,yet it is a smoke screen to what actually goes on. I worked out 1 in 40 children in the state of queensland experience a notification put on them. Yep, that works out to be about 1 kid in every 1 and a half class rooms. No wonder docs officers are constantly up at the schools. I worked this out by reading through the statistics printed on - http://www.childsafety.qld.gov.au/performance/child-protection/intake/notifications.html.Have a look and see for yourself. There is a whole heap of other stuff to chew through posted on this internet address. It make child safety sound all glossy but in fact I think it is all gloomy. And I am sure it is only going to get worse. Especially whilst there are no internal changes made. I also wonder why is this government department is made so 'user unfriendly'? Only now am I becoming more aware about how this organisation operate. I am only now understanding how I should have fought my case back in 2006. I am learning more all the time. So if I was supposed to have had a good solicitor back then and also am reasonably educated why did I have so much trouble understanding it all? I wonder what about all those people who are completely steam rolled over by this government department. The ones who don't understand to get legal help, the ones who don't know what to do. These are the one's who need our help. Some probably don't know how to even turn on a computer and therefore no idea that sites like this exist. I think the government in all fairness to the community needs to have an organisation independent to docs that assists parents with the docs process. A NGO that would advocate for the truth! Is that too much to ask? Oh, the cost. Yes, what was the budget for docs again? 50 million or something. I'm glad for all of us that have found our voice here, glad that we can all feel supported by each other and are in total solidarity about the injustices of this government department. Oh yeah, another issue that I want to raise that seems to not be mentioned yet is the way in which docs interventions alienate you from your family and friends. I remember telling someone what happened in my life. This was a long time friend and they have never rung me ever again. They have scrubbed me off their christmas card list literally. I have been sending them xmas cards for 2006,2007 and not received one back and they used to ring me quite regularly. These folk knew my life inside out. They never thought I was dodgy before. And then there is my sibling. We were close all our lives before - like best friends. The lies and abandonment from her was unreal. I know I could never have a trusting relationship with that sister ever again. I am sorrowful that I saw this exposed in my sister. So your ties with others become loosened and you soon see who will stick with you through this trial of fire. You see the sorting of the chaff and then see what's (or who rather is) actually left in your life. People who don't understand this government organisation's modus operandi will drop you like a hot cake. You become branded whether you are innocent or not. As ihategov once said - if you ever want to get back at someone - don't dob them into centrelink, no - don't dob them into the taxation office. Just go for the jugular and dob them into the Department of Child Safety. Then sit back and watch their lives become undone. Yes, it is really gut wrenching to see the grief on a parent's face when docs don't want to give the child back. They (docs) say something like - 'we are going to keep this child longer. We will extend this to a 28 day temporary assessment order (TAO) so we can investigate more thoroughly'. My interpretation in my head says to myself - 'Yeah right, let's gather more dirt on you and crucify you. fuck the child, we have due process to follow and a duty of care towards the child..'. I would like to know what the duty of care is for this government body in the way in which they misconstrue the truth and tell out right porky pies in court. The way this organisation intentionally delays reunification through outright and deliberate lies. Where's the duty of care towards the child now? Oops, thrown out the window. Another thing that really annoys me - how they say 'heaps of people complain about docs' as if it is a problem with the parent. Well why shouldn't the parent complain. Having your child ripped off you compares to nothing one has ever felt in life before. The intensity of grief, despair, turmoil and anger that these parents feel. The grief and shame. Then not to mention the bullying, lies and 'process' that the family is subjected to. The whole process is wrong. It is not in the best interests of the child. I don't understand how docs can be allowed to operate like this - it is not conducive to best practice this day and age. I s'pose little will be done now that the economy is spiralling into recession. But I bet docs will keep their large budget to continue to snatch and grab and confabulate. If there was reform to these current practices then I am sure the budget wouldn't need to be so big. I reckon they must have spent about 1/2 million on my case alone desperately trying to prove I was mad, bad and a totally unfit mother. There were no gains to be had. Anyway I could keep rambling on. I am just thinking and typing as it comes into my head. But at the end of the day I am glad I experinced docs heavy and punitive hand as I know just what really goes on. I am no longer angry but still shake my head when I read their glossy words and crap as I know in reality this isn't the case. I can use my experience to help others in some way. Remember are you willing to protect your child? Are you able to protect your child? docs will twist around what they say to point evidence in court that you are neither a willing or able to protect this chid! That's is their framework. e.g. she is not the protective parent in that she remained in a D.V.or child sex offending relationship. And what are your protective strategies in place for keeping your child safe? Remember to say (to those nazis) that you made a poor choice, you have learnt from this experience and will modify your behaviour. And you have to describe how you will do this. Tell them (those bastards) what changes you are employing into your life and tell them what help you are seeking now. e.g. see you GP and get a mental health referral to seek psychological input. Tell them (those fuckwits)that you are being pro-active and getting help for your problems you are seeing a domestic violence counsellor, a drug and alcohol worker, doing a PPP parenting course. Learn to play the game their way (it's a legal game) and show them just what you can do. Ask for more access visits, get letters into them requesting this. Remember docs are not their to help you, they are just there to 'protect the child' ( and inadvertently make your life hell along the way). Learn what the rules of docs game is and therefore learn how you can effectively play it. And stay connected with this forum. Express your anger here. Find your new supports in this fight. Remember you are not alone. cheers.
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Hi, Look I am sorry I am such a pessimist but I think this whistle blower will somehow be silenced. It won't go any further. It makes good and shocking news for the masses but they won't go much further with it. I bet it will get squashed somehow. Yet, we all know the truth about the police (and docs for that matter). If you did a survey of the community it would reveal that most people believe that the police are shonky. But nothing will be done, it is all too hard for the government to clean up. And the people sleep on in apathy.
Power corrupts Total power totally corrupts.
So when the police and docs are given unlimited power of course these services are going to attract a certain type of person. These people would be quite pathological. They also know they belong to the untouchable class in society.
I could place a bet that that news will get swept under the carpet and forgotten about. And the corruption will continue.
Usually I am an upbeat, positive person. But about these corrupt government bodies I am totally cynical. cheers.
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You know I keep asking myself this question - why do they need to falsify their information for the courts? I mean, shees, if the parent was so bad, and so unsuitable to care for their own child then surely they don't need to falsify their records. I have experienced this plenty of times whilst docs were involved in my life. I actually should go through my stuff and count the actual intentional lies! Probably around 20 or so at a guess. I have asked the same question 100 times and I am lost for words. Yes, docs like to bluff people with their super powers! But they told me 'we are more powerful than the family courts'. And the intimidation and bullying is first class. They are experts in these kind of tactics.
I totally agree It has been said on this forum a few time that in QLD DOCS are visiting schools now on a daily basis terrorising our children with tape recorder stuck into their young faces. We are not talking about a 14-16 year old I am talking about the 6 to 10 year old that get confronted by two thugs dressed like bikies (sorry the real bikies I respect you lot) and asking the young children while a toothless tiger called the headmaster stand there like a stale bottle of piss and watches a young child crying and does nothing. You tell me who the real child abuser are.
I think the government in all fairness to the community needs to have an organisation independent to docs that assists parents with the docs process. A NGO that would advocate for the truth! Is that too much to ask? Oh, the cost. Yes, what was the budget for docs again? 50 million or something.
50 million? I thinks its alot mare then 50 Million, Didn't someone say the figure?
I'm glad for all of us that have found our voice here, glad that we can all feel supported by each other and are in total solidarity about the injustices of this government department.
Yes I'm glade too (HaHaHa) after all I was shocked what happened to us but I was deeply offended the way 3 CSO's went about our case as they continually lied in just about all areas. Just think moles your lies are a direct product of this forum popping up so its simple to understand no lies would have meant no forum
I remember telling someone what happened in my life. This was a long time friend and they have never rung me ever again. They have scrubbed me off their christmas card list literally. I have been sending them xmas cards for 2006,2007 and not received one back and they used to ring me quite regularly. These folk knew my life inside out. They never thought I was dodgy before. And then there is my sibling. We were close all our lives before - like best friends. The lies and abandonment from her was unreal. I know I could never have a trusting relationship with that sister ever again. I am sorrowful that I saw this exposed in my sister.
Same here except its some of my friends and not my family
People who don't understand this government organisation's modus operandi will drop you like a hot cake. You become branded whether you are innocent or not.
I agree with you 100%
As ihategov once said - if you ever want to get back at someone - don't dob them into centrelink, no - don't dob them into the taxation office. Just go for the jugular and dob them into the Department of Child Safety. Then sit back and watch their lives become undone.
Yes I said that
Another thing that really annoys me - how they say 'heaps of people complain about docs' as if it is a problem with the parent. Well why shouldn't the parent complain. Having your child ripped off you compares to nothing one has ever felt in life before. The intensity of grief, despair, turmoil and anger that these parents feel. The grief and shame. Then not to mention the bullying, lies and 'process' that the family is subjected to.
The bulling tactics, the lies, I will never forget what they done to my wife.
The whole process is wrong. It is not in the best interests of the child. I don't understand how docs can be allowed to operate like this - it is not conducive to best practice this day and age.
I agree and they get away with it.
docs will twist around what they say to point evidence in court that you are neither a willing or able to protect this chid! That's is their framework. e.g. she is not the protective parent in that she remained in a D.V.or child sex offending relationship. And what are your protective strategies in place for keeping your child safe? Remember to say (to those nazis) that you made a poor choice, you have learnt from this experience and will modify your behaviour. And you have to describe how you will do this. Tell them (those bastards) what changes you are employing into your life and tell them what help you are seeking now. e.g. see you GP and get a mental health referral to seek psychological input. Tell them (those fuckwits)that you are being pro-active and getting help for your problems you are seeing a domestic violence counsellor, a drug and alcohol worker, doing a PPP parenting course. Learn to play the game their way (it's a legal game) and show them just what you can do. Ask for more access visits, get letters into them requesting this. Remember docs are not their to help you, they are just there to 'protect the child' ( and inadvertently make your life hell along the way). Learn what the rules of docs game is and therefore learn how you can effectively play it.
And stay connected with this forum. Express your anger here. Find your new supports in this fight. Remember you are not alone.
I will say this again for all to read and if I have to I will repeat it 100 more times. We all know when docs knocks on your door all of us got a shock but most of us think we have been treated differently well NO as these bitches and a few pricks are all trained from the same manual and this is the reason why a lot of us have similarities in our cases but I would like to know where in their manual the lying bit comes into it because I can't find it or maybe they got that lying bit from those corrupt cops down the Gold Coast that lied, falsified evidence to get court orders to get search warrants and arrest innocent people. I WANT TO SEE SOMEONE EFFECTED IN THIS AREAS SUE THE BLIGH GOVERNMENT FOR MILLIONS!!!!!!
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I WANT TO SEE SOMEONE EFFECTED IN THIS AREAS SUE THE BLIGH GOVERNMENT FOR MILLIONS!!!!!! That is my dying wish, oh no there is another one, the ass holes get shut down too, and have some other independent agency that works on the real cases that is needed, and helps the children that are really abused.
What happened to Innocent until proven guilty
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And this mess is continuing, don't you love our honest police, mind you maybe this is where DOCS learnt the tricks of the trade. I will be adding more of this in the Police thread.
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I WANT TO SEE SOMEONE EFFECTED IN THIS AREAS SUE THE BLIGH GOVERNMENT FOR MILLIONS!!!!!! That is my dying wish, oh no there is another one, the ass holes get shut down too, and have some other independent agency that works on the real cases that is needed, and helps the children that are really abused. Yes!!! Its only a matter of time and DOCS will TITANIC itself, aus-city and other sites will remind the government when its in DENIAL. ooohhhh Not DENIAL THATS A DOCS WORD closely followed by GROOMING! (PS Do you know once you contradict the Department of Child safety on anything you're in DENIAL!)
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The first 9 minutes of tonight news was about this Police Corruption around the Gold Coast and it going to get worst.
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