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Wantsjustice I will be thinking of you tommorrow. I will never forget what it feels like to be in those courts.

The other day I was talking to a young woman who started mouthing off to me how useless docs are. She said she rang docs to report a young mother who was threatening to give her baby 'a hot shot' (excuse me ignorance but does that mean a fatal dose of heroin?) and the mother was going off in general. Anyway this young woman rang docs to get help/ report her BUT was told that all the intake officers were out and couldn't take the call.
This young woman was livid about it. She said this wouldn't happen in the state she originates from.
So I don't know what happened to the mother and the baby. but the docs office was Labrador.

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Hello Allies,

So why do docs go after some and make a mountain out of a mole hill and then others where serious cases of abuse are going on just turn a blind eye? I was going through some of my newspaper clippings today (still looking for that youth suicide article related to kids in care) and was reminded of those twins and also the huge number of kids that lived in squalor. No docs hanging around like the flies in those stories.

well back home here - well we ain't in squalor - far from it I have harnessed a bit of OCD when it comes to cleaning and organisation and my child ain't fading away in there as he sleeps and listens to Mozart. But docs pursued us to the ends of the earth with their claims that my child is at risk.

Oh, I can feel my anger rising again. Child at risk. Well docs he must still be a child at risk. or have you 'properly investigated' us now? Now that it cost me $20k and my child was abused whilst in foster and came back quite traumatised.

"Yep, we have traumatised that one enough now - let's drop them and forget they exist."
As someone else put it 'lest we forget' (referring to the returned soldiers) we ain't ever gonna forget the autrocities that our families suffered due to the hands of docs.
Lest we forget.

hope that is not being distrespectful to the diggers, not intended to do this!

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Originally Posted by WantsJustice
Can someone please tell me what the difference between a magistrate making a decision and a judge.
I have the court hearing tomorrow, and I have been told it is a magistrate that will make the decision to whether my daughter will be taken into Custody.

My lawyer is asking for a 7 day adjournment on the matter, I feel that she should be able to argue the case tomorrow instead of the adjournment, but she says because it is an application for investigation and removal of my daughter for the 42 days, she cant argue the case until after the 42 days.

Does this sound right???

Every state is different and every state has different ways which their court system works.

Unfortunately I can't offer any advice on this as I don't know the SA court system.

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Today I came accross a young woman who was up against docs around the same time as me.

What was her crime? Well being a single mother of a 9yo and a new born baby at the time she was very tired and her sleep was out of whack.
So she asked her daycare mum to take the baby for her so she could catch up on sleep.
the day care mother from a friend of hers found out about some 28 day order through docs.
she pursued this and whammo docs got involved. Wrote her off as being an unfit mother etc etc etc. This girl didn't get a solicitor and was totally rolled by docs. Her story is sort of simular to mine the difference is I had legal rep and paid $20,000 and remortgaged my house.
So the outcome is that this young woman finally got her child back. Her child is now 3 yo. I saw them both today. Docs were trying to say she was depressed and therefore unfit to parent.
As a psych. nurse I wrote a letter for this girl that said that I have known her for some years and she does not have any clinical symptoms of depression, no psychosis, etc etc but is grieving through the intervention of loosing her child.Well when this woman showed them (Hey guess what - it was Mermaid Branch) the letter and this young woman's mother was looking at getting her a solicitor and getting this sort of evidence presented to the court. Docs said 'oh, don't bother getting legal rep. we are going to give you back your daughter."
Well story goes when it went to court docs rolled her, no plan of reunification as they said to her.
No mention of letters from psych. nurses.
Docs had their own chosen psychiatrist who wrote scathing reports on this woman.
So child finally came back to young woman's care July 08.
another docs vicitm. A 'V.O.D' as someone called them weeks back on this forum.

And it is the same story, same tactics, same stuff but for another family.

I left and sat in the privacy of my car and cried a bit after I saw her today.

The child protection act is being bastardized by corrupt docs workers.

I will go to her house and tape her story as she is not a writer, but she remembers.
We need these stories and we need a data base of all these people who have had children taken off them due to being 'at risk' but there is no substance to docs fabrications.

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and as we know...

docs can't then half way through go oh sorry we have over reacted here and give the child back.
Why? Because then they are admitting fault and then there becomes something like a case of negligence or whatever term it would be legally.
So docs push on with lie after lie after lie.
They have to win. they have to justify their actions. They have to not back down and admit they were wrong.
And stuff (no swearing from my fingers anymore smile
the children, stuff the family, stuff the community, stuff everyone BUT the government.

This is why we must find each other. Stand up and look around, find your allies in this atrocity that this current government is committing against the people.


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and... another thing.
And you will be able to predict this too.

This young woman, when they gave back the child - well they (docs) just turned up and dropped the child off and never came back again.

the end, no follow up. no can we help, no oh you are such a dangerous parents we want to visit you weekly to monitor this child's safety.

No nothing.

that makes me so angry. If a parent is deemed as being at risk to a child and then docs go to such lengths to keep the child away then why don't they follow up the child for some time later?

Something is not right - it doesn't make sense to me.

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and then they say something to the effects of "we are operating in the best interests of the child".


That is the biggest lie that docs put out.

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There is NOTHING safe about the Department of Child Safety.

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Docs use the "best interests of the child" line becase who can argue that Docs dont actually beleive that?
Also because the children are too young to tell anyone that this is not in their best interests.
Docs have even, then, as our children get older brainwashed them into beleiving that docs is doing what is "in the best interests of the child" and that everyone else is out to hurt and lie to them!!
Thats my experince anyway

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Yes well, what we are doing here talking about docs and their ways of operation and dodginess is because we are 'operating in the best interests of the children too' - along with in the 'best interests of the families and community'.

Oh how odd that we seem to have the same goal/ focus but one of us is lying?!

I wonder which one is lying? The people or the government body?

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It could be either of us!!!
However we the people are doing this out of love for our children, Would we put ourselfs through this much torment if we were not dooing it for the right reasons??
The govenment who claims to be doing this for the "best interests of the child/ren" are doing this to get their weekly pay check!!
It would appear obvious that the only thing that the gov employees care about in this case is getting paid!! Even the oohc's get paid to care for these children!!Yet us as parents aren't looking to have children to gain a larger salary, infact most of the time our pay packets become smaller once we have children but then again we are not parents for money we are parents because we love our children
Docs dont work out of hours, They work on their 9 to 5 mon to fri routine (in some places they even have trus mornings off) we the parents work 24/7, Who is it that really cares for our children?

Proberly a little all over the place post but at the moment its hard to get thoughts to make a nicly written statement

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correct. how does a 20 minute new born speak of his best interest?.. when his main interest is to breathe and look for a breast, for food.

how is it, they will take this 20 minute new born to a court room to be deemed a placement, yet the father or mother cant even defend at any time.

If these scums are removing a child to take to a court room, why then, are not the partners taking to a court room, with the amount of proof from these scums to remove the child in the first place.

And how many Judges are also in the pocket of DOCS?.

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I would say that there a a few judges in the pocket of Docs, for many reasons the main one being they work for the same govenment and cant be seen to not agree with each others bad decisions.

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Then Death is not a reason to escape, but to live and be a pain in the butt to the system smile

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Another exciting day for us who wish to expose docs.

welcome new viewers!!

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I note the views have gone up considerable in the past 48 hours - was 72,506 views in this topic at 9pm on 12.11.08 and now there is 76,292 at 1800hours 14.11.08.


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Hello allies,

did you know in an area of the Gold Coast that has around a population of half a million.
If a letter box drop is done to say 10,000 houses then if only 1 person glances at the flyer then we have reached 1 in 50 people on the Gold Coast.
Now if the flyer makes it to the kitchen table/ inside the house with the other mail and you get 2 people glancing at this flyer then you have reached 1 in every 25 persons on the Gold Coast.

It is do-able.

Professional printers cost around 4 cents per A4 and if you put 2 flyers to an A4 (i.e. the flyer is now A5) you have a cost of 2 cents per flyer.

As we have seen some hot spots are Mermaid Beach and Pine Rivers area - then these are a great place to target. find out just where their catchment area lies and then go about those suburbs and streets.

It is not glamourous but it will get to the people.

Another idea is to hand them out outside schools to parents.
Keep it legal and don't go onto school property stay on the footpath.

So what to write on these flyers??

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Child safety concerns?

Are you and your family being treated fairly? some are not.

The public have a right to know.

It may happen to your family!

Read what our state government is doing to families.

View these sites and become informed. (go to general forums)


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of course play around with it on your computer so it is centred and in bold print and at least in size 14 font so people don't require glasses to read it.

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I heard through the grapevine that someone has posted an advertisement in the Cairns Post asking for anyone who has been wronged by or dealt with DoCS to contact them as they were mounting a class action. Was interested and suprised to hear that it has reached that far north!

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Ya, I notice from what I can see, many have popped on.
Just proves, screaming all over the place, some one has to hear. whether they react to the plea, is a different story.

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is there a link to this?????

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if that is the case then that is brilliant to hear.

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A warm welcome to any new viewers that come to this site!!

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Originally Posted by JusticeForAll
I heard through the grapevine that someone has posted an advertisement in the Cairns Post asking for anyone who has been wronged by or dealt with DoCS to contact them as they were mounting a class action. Was interested and suprised to hear that it has reached that far north!

Just sent a email to the Editor Mark Alexander.

Let see what the response say's if I get one.

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good on you. I am interested too.
I'll be out hunting down a copy of the Cairn's post for my own personal scrutiny if there is!!

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There definitely is an ad in the Gold Coast Bulletin today. Saturday 15 - 16 November 2008.

See page 117 - look under Pulic notices.
It is an ad in a little box that reads -

Child Safety issues? (see general forums)

Has anyone spotted the ad in the Cairn's post yet?

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Weldome new viewers.

And there is another site to view as well

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Welcome please read with an open mind!

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Welcome new viewers.

Feel free to post if you have any thing you would like to comment on -
Do you have a story about yours or someone's else experience with this department.
Do you have any questions from the regular posters?
Do you have any suggestions about how we could reach the masses out there?


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Hello allies,

I hope you all had a good weekend.
Apparently the ad did go into the Cairn's newspaper.
I will personally follow this up and about viewing it (and informing you of this).

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When I read the Sunday Mail (16.11.08) I read an interesting article about a 10yo child who was sold as a bride in another country.
Interesting and alarming that this is what is going on in other countries.

But if those other countries read what our state government is doing if people expose their thoughts and that the government's staff are saying that "thoughts are enough for us" wouldn't they be astounded that this so called 1st world country has evolved into madness.

Imagine if docs operated in some countries like where this story originates from (Yemen) then I would hazzard a guess at saying the government would take every child off every parent.

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Originally Posted by thisisgood

When I read the Sunday Mail (16.11.08) I read an interesting article about a 10yo child who was sold as a bride in another country.
Interesting and alarming that this is what is going on in other countries.

This is nothing..That has been happening for centuries.
I am of Italian origin, even my father told me, at 12 a girl and boy will get married by 13 she is having a baby.
The system worked in the manner.
One family will pre arrange with another family even before any of those children are even born. the arrangement can be for the purpose of land. to have a wider family circle.

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Just to remind you the views have gone up substantially since late last night - now up to 78,094 views at 1pm today 17.11.08. That's an increase by 700 this monday morning.

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I want to know why when you look at docs glossy information reports the kids always look like they are off an ad for the colours of Benneton

I have just been looking at the "Department of Child Safety Research Strategy" 2008 update.

And I have to laugh Margaret Keech writes that "The department of Child Safety has four key values; Children, Accountability, Respect and Excellence. Let's strive to CARE as we take on the challenge of child protection."

I am laughing 'cause once I wrote about the CARE factor standing for 'Cover Arse Remain Employed'.

Yeah, docs C.A.R.E alright. ha ha. They make up false allegations and then cover their arse by making up more lies.

Then this piece of work goes on to talk about "Quality Practice"
There's lots of interesting stuff in point form there. The bit that jumps out to me (only because of our personal experience) is the "Attanchment and trauna in chidren and young people in the child protection system."
I just wonder how they will manage this - remember in my story the child is removed because child is deemed at risk due to mother's thoughts and then is actually abused whilst in foster care and then further traumatised through being shipped interstate to NSW and docs want the mother (me) and father to end up having a shared care situation dispite the 200km separating them. But in the end docs dump the child back into the care of the mother. No further work or words about any trauma. In fact they went to length to cover the fact that the child was abused whilst in foster care.
Remember I have those photos of my child that depicts the aggression (trauma) on his face those initial months after docs return him home. Poor kid wouldn't know what was going on.

Anyway have a look at this and make up your own mind.

Then the last picture is of an extended family who look very upper middle class. Nice clothing, nice teeth, nice back yard, nice haircuts.
Hmmm, do docs propose that all children in care look like this? Or that they think 'normal' families look like this? All of them decked out in white.

It reminds me of something you might see from an old communist regime, like something of their propoganda whereby they are trying to portray their livestyles as carefree and happy yet in reality the people are in slums.

I personally think those Margaret Keech types and her ilk that are so far up the chain have no idea to what really does on down here.

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Ms Jan STuckey said docs cover up the fact that there are now 10% more children in care than last report!!!

Ms Stuckey also said that by docs way of scooping up every child they are causing many attachment problems alone through this method.

Come on docs start to work out that prevention is better than cure. Start to work on keeping families together and strengthening them through support, education and referal resources.
Make the community your friend not increasingly your enemy.



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Originally Posted by thisisgood

Apparently the ad did go into the Cairn's newspaper.

I have had no feed back as yet from the Editor....

if as you stated did go into, the post.
then can ya supply a link?.

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if media decided to look and maybe investigate a few of the Abused and hear and to see what we have to show.
Then maybe the real hard Truth will be seen for what it really is, Corruption. Un_Professionalism conduct. Then the said abuse to the child they claim to protect, These protectors do more harm to the children, then any other human on earth.
If media,a reporter had the compassion to reveal to the public, to the world, how the Australian hypocritical Government abuses this factor, Then we have a chance to be heard and for Justice to prevail.

The theory of DOCS is good.just not logical in the laws of it.
They need re_education and learn to 100% not to do the same again.

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I rang the Cairns post spoke to a Roger, They know nothing about that Class action.

SO who is lieing ???.

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Today in The Australian (November 18, 2008; page 7) there is further articles about "Child Abuse costing Community $11bn". It goes to say that a report published by Access Economics counts the cost of child abuse on the health, education and welfare systems. It goes on to point out there is no current reliable national data on the number of Australian children suffering child abuse. this organisation extrapolated from Australian Bureau of Statistics data on personal safety to arrive at a 'conservative' figure of 177,000 children.

What I see as a better article is from yesterday's The Australian (17.11.2008; page 7).
It is titled "Fostering Trouble".
It says "Fostering care doesn't work in the long term"; "there are 28,000 children in care, double the number in 1997".
"By the age of eight or 10, many of these children are so damaged they can no longer stay in foster homes. They spend a few years bouncing around the system, from one foster home to anotherm and then bouncing from youth hostel to police station to the street, before ending up in jail."

This article goes on to mention 4 suggestions
1. Abolish mandatory reporting
2. Prop up the birth parents.
3. Pay and train staff properly.
4. Speed up the adoption process.

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