02-Feb-04 17:00 GMT<br /> ...................................................<br />Summary<br /><br />The first high resolution image of part of the Beagle 2 landing site has<br />been released by NASA. The image covers a small strip of the ellipse that<br />encompasses Beagle's feasible locations, but shows no obvious signs of the<br />spacecraft.<br /><br /> ...................................................<br />Full story<br /><br />The image was taken by the Mars Observer Camera (MOC), onboard NASA's Mars<br />Global Surveyor orbiter, on January 5th, and is the first maximum resolution<br />image to be obtained for the Beagle landing site. Mike Malin, Principle<br />Investigator for the MOC instrument, was able to release the image this<br />weekend following processing by Malin Space Science Systems.<br /><br />The narrow angle image is made available below as Figure 1. Also provided<br />are two images of the entire ellipse and surrounding area. Figure 2 was<br />obtained by the wide angle lens of the MOC instrument concurrently with the<br />high resolution strip, and Figure 3 is a mosaic assembled from medium<br />resolution images obtained by the camera THEMIS on NASA's other Mars<br />orbiter, Odyssey.<br /><br /> http://www.beagle2.com/news/index.htm<br /><br />-------------------