EAPC security forum opens in Astana

Today, on Wednesday, 24th June 2009, the third Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) Security Forum will open in Astana, Kazakhstan. For two days the Forum will bring together high level representatives from NATO and Partner countries, as well as representatives of other international organisations, special guests (including from Afghanistan), academics, businessmen and journalists.

The meeting, hosted by the Kazakh authorities, will be chaired by the Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.

The plenary session on the morning of 25th June will include keynote speeches, as well as discussion in different panels, focusing on the situation in Afghanistan, regional perspectives of security and energy security issues.

The main press conference of the NATO Secretary General will take place at 13.00 on 25th June.

David Cottle

UBB Owner & Administrator