M5.7 Earthquake - Galapagos Islands, Ecuador region
Preliminary Report Magnitude 5.7

21 Sep 2018 12:49:29 UTC
21 Sep 2018 06:49:29 near epicenter
21 Sep 2018 04:49:29 standard time in your timezone

Location 2.416N 95.478W
Depth 10 km

625.4 km (387.7 mi) NW of Puerto Villamil, Ecuador
750.8 km (465.5 mi) WNW of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Ecuador
1372.4 km (850.9 mi) SSW of Puerto San Jos�, Guatemala
1379.3 km (855.2 mi) SSW of La Gomera, Guatemala
1382.0 km (856.8 mi) SSW of Nueva Concepci�n, Guatemala

Location Uncertainty Horizontal: 10.5 km; Vertical 1.9 km
Parameters Nph = 116; Dmin = 670.5 km; Rmss = 0.98 seconds; Gp = 148°
Version =
Event ID us 2000hi48

David Cottle

UBB Owner & Administrator