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#50256 Wed 20 Oct 2010 12:40:PM
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The server suffered a serious crash and thus far we are still trying recover the server. is taking all the web traffic for until its resolved.

If its going to continue for a while we can setup some forums here for aussiefrogs until its resolved.

David Cottle

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Webmaster #50259 Wed 20 Oct 2010 08:22:PM
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Originally Posted by Webmaster
The server suffered a serious crash and thus far we are still trying recover the server. is taking all the web traffic for until its resolved.

If its going to continue for a while we can setup some forums here for aussiefrogs until its resolved.

Firstly, Thank you David for sharing your space...

Just a note to our Aussiefrog members, as has been noted we have a serious glitch. Everything that can be done to remedy the situation is being done, fingers crossed we will be back (one way or another) soon.


Webmaster #50261 Wed 20 Oct 2010 08:30:PM
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Absolutely, everything is being done rest assured!

I am going to set up some AF specific forums in their own AF category and kick AF right into there.

That will help. I know its a pain having to re-register. All I could think of doing is offering since it is operational, handy and working as at least a means members can get together.

I will have to set up some moderators. Anyone needing help, please email me directly:

I am working to get AF back in every way possible.

Its certainly tested me for emergency measures of handing DNS / email as well as http redirects and requests!

David Cottle

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Webmaster #50262 Wed 20 Oct 2010 08:52:PM
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[Linked Image]

Webmaster #50263 Wed 20 Oct 2010 09:25:PM
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I strongly recommend against any form of work to get a pseudo AF operational. It would be better to get the issue fixed rather than hive off separate conversations. I think the Aussie French car community can survive a couple of days without our regular fixes.

Perhaps in the meantime we should go and care for our cars?

Craig K

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Webmaster #50265 Wed 20 Oct 2010 09:57:PM
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First of all, a very large thank you to David Cottle and Aus-City for pulling us from the wreckage of a crash and burn, so to speak. Second, I see UFO's point, but I rather think the realization has been made that the server gods need to be appeased every so often. In the meantime, we will get by. Third, this looks like a pretty neat site. I'm going to have to poke around a bit.

Webmaster #50267 Wed 20 Oct 2010 10:26:PM
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For now, I have opened a general AF discussion forum.

I will post any news as it comes to hand.

David Cottle

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Webmaster #50269 Wed 20 Oct 2010 10:44:PM
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Just found you, thanks guys.

Anything I can do to help, let me know. I'm pretty at home with bash scripting etc, if we need to repair databases etc etc...

Good luck!

David. (Moderator, Renault forum, Aussiefrogs.)

Webmaster #50270 Wed 20 Oct 2010 10:50:PM
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Thanks Dave for doing this.

Well folks it's official, all our data is lost. One click on the account auto / manual renew on the godaddy site admin & the whole server & FTP backup has been deleted instantly. They must have a link problem on their page.

I will commence creating a new forum tonight.

Also thinking I will be going down the litigation path with godaddy so if anyone has experience with going up against American firms please get in contact.

I am so sorry about this. I've been physically ill today & no sleep last night, same expected tonight at least...

Webmaster #50271 Wed 20 Oct 2010 11:00:PM
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Bloody computers do not fret GIB GIB all will fall into place the data base must be backed up somewhere.
My battery terminals are so shiney I can see my face in them bwave

gibgib #50274 Wed 20 Oct 2010 11:28:PM
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Surely Gerry, there is some form of un delete utility ?

I just makes one realise how vulnerable data on HDD!

Gerry I read your post completely about being physically ill. Mate it's not worth it - feeling that way is no help to you or any AFers.

Life goes on - accidents happen- nobody is hurt or injured - it's sad but recoverable with the help of the members.

At the moment the situation looks hopeless. But hopefully GO Daddy will try to assist with recovery if humanly possible.

Last edited by robmac; Wed 20 Oct 2010 11:35:PM.
robmac #50275 Wed 20 Oct 2010 11:35:PM
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Thanks to all involved in attempting to get AF back on our feet.

GG if there's anything I can do let me know.

I went out to check on the French cars I so often write about and to my horror see they have all rusted to nothing...

I gotta get out more often.


Webmaster #50278 Thu 21 Oct 2010 01:12:AM
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Hello all, I'm Kaye from aussiefrogs. Tired of my old pen name (okalford) I joined up with sunshine77, being such a sunny perfect day, weather-wise at least.

I am very sorry to hear about the data loss and only hope there may be better news for some retrieval. You still have a lot of the resources, the good people of AF to help build the new board. Some may have saved some of their posts. All cannot be lost.

And thanks also to the people that have made sharing here possible, an interesting forum with some good topics.

Last edited by sunshine77; Thu 21 Oct 2010 01:13:AM.

Webmaster #50280 Thu 21 Oct 2010 02:26:AM
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So sorry to hear about this, Gerry. You have my sympathies for all you're going through.

Thanks to David for allowing us to use this forum as an interim measure for us 'refugees'.

Hopefully it can be recovered, but if not then it will mean we will just have to go out and work on our cars so we can post the details and rebuild the site.

I'm pretty sure that if it came down to having to pay for professional data recovery, a lot of us here would be willing to chip in to help.

Good luck with it all. I know you're doing all you can.


gibgib #50282 Thu 21 Oct 2010 03:46:AM
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Originally Posted by gibgib
Well folks it's official, all our data is lost. One click on the account auto / manual renew on the godaddy site admin & the whole server & FTP backup has been deleted instantly. They must have a link problem on their page.

WOW ... I know how you feel GG, as it reminds me of an incident at work when 3 months of data got corrupted (hardware fault) .. trouble was the backups were corrupted as well (they were just backing up corrupt data - garbage in garbage out) .... a week 24/7 to rebuild the data (by replaying all the messages) - a lot of overtime, a lot of overnight work.

Be sad to see the "knowledge" lost, but some may say it was time to clean shop as a S/N ratio was getting higher.

At least there will be more cars / partners getting attention this weekend. Maybe a big new batch of froglets will arrive in July 2011. LOL

Best of luck re: recovery, we'll all live.


Webmaster #50283 Thu 21 Oct 2010 04:46:AM
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same sentiments here gib-gib, and - i for one welcome our new masters, etc
btw this may be of interest - from another place i frequented until recently ;

" Hello from AutoPuzzles!

As you have no doubt noticed, the AutoPuzzles forum is down. GoDaddy, the hosting service, has, without warning, put a CPU-usage limit in place, which our volume of image files has overwhelmed. This was not an issue before the migrated us to the new server in the past few days (their idea, not ours).

Charlie (Ultra) is working to get the site moved to a new hosting company, but this will take time. The Forums may be back online as soon as today. Charlie asks that inquiries be directed to me (e-mail below), as the database backup and rebuilding take a lot of time and concentration. We ask for two favors from you:

Please share this message with any AutoPuzzles members with whom you correspond.
Please watch this page for updates.
We appreciate your patronage and membership at the AutoPuzzles site, and look forward to seeing you all again in the near future.

Otto Puzzell "

( why couldn't this happen to something useless like faecebook, instead ?)

Last edited by fnqvmuch; Thu 21 Oct 2010 04:55:AM. Reason: i always do that
sunshine77 #50292 Thu 21 Oct 2010 11:01:AM
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Originally Posted by sunshine77
Hello all, I'm Kaye from aussiefrogs. Tired of my old pen name (okalford) I joined up with sunshine77, being such a sunny perfect day, weather-wise at least.

I am very sorry to hear about the data loss and only hope there may be better news for some retrieval. You still have a lot of the resources, the good people of AF to help build the new board. Some may have saved some of their posts. All cannot be lost.

And thanks also to the people that have made sharing here possible, an interesting forum with some good topics.

Hi Kaye, Rob, UFO, Greenblood, gibgib, and whatsisname, errm, Workshy B'stard I think he called himself, and the rest of you criminals. The lengths some folk will go to, to shake off us pesky poms never ceases to amaze. Anyway, no prizes for guessing who I am.

Bugger. I'd just bought some nice new suspendies for the goldfroggers ball!

Easy to say from where I'm sitting Gerry, but try not to let it get you down. Like Robmac says, t'aint like anyones been hurt.

And thanks to whoever's in charge of this place. I must admit I haven't a bloody clue where I am.

Maybe we should run a book on who'll get the first deleted post.



Mimis_dad #50293 Thu 21 Oct 2010 11:12:AM
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Thanks Mike,

It's good to lighten up a bit after reality has hit.

To other 'Frggers suggest we post here:

To avoid clogging the general section of Host Forum with our stuff...



Webmaster #50295 Thu 21 Oct 2010 11:31:AM
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Firstly, thanks Dave for your quazie hosting of AF>
Gerry, don't stress mate, it's all good and as the others have mentioned, please don't let this get you physically down.It's a shame the vast knowledge base built over the years and hopefully there is something that can be done to reclaim some of it.
We're all behind you in your efforts to get the forum back and running and I am sure whatever action or direction you have to take, we'll all be satisfied with the outcome.
Geez GB, you probably don't need this hassle either on top of shifting business premises.
Good luck to all involved and a big thank-you from me.

Webmaster #50301 Thu 21 Oct 2010 01:02:PM
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Damn Hard drives....once they crash it's anybody's guess if anything can be recovered.
My back up drive crashed and I only lost all of the things I wanted to keep.
DVD back up is the way to go...

Thanks everyone for all your efforts to keep the Frogger site happening.

Cheers....George 1/8th

(PS...GEEZ this site was pedantic about the registration took me about 10 goes to register...I nearly chucked it in...)

Webmaster #50304 Thu 21 Oct 2010 01:52:PM
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i won't repeat what i sent to Chris yesterday when i found out but even that was the tame version of what i was thinking

i was all excited after the weekend as i did some more work to the 604 and it's getting closer to hitting the road again

i had /have pics ready to go and then nothing

i had the same feeling a few weeks ago when i went to the fridge to grab a beer and there were none left

pugrambo #50306 Thu 21 Oct 2010 02:30:PM
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Originally Posted by pugrambo
i won't repeat what i sent to Chris yesterday when i found out but even that was the tame version of what i was thinking

i was all excited after the weekend as i did some more work to the 604 and it's getting closer to hitting the road again

i had /have pics ready to go and then nothing

i had the same feeling a few weeks ago when i went to the fridge to grab a beer and there were none left

haha, your text was mild compared to some of the expletives that went through my head... what can ya' do!! - if we all search our own hard drives etc. with the view to rebuilding the lost years, AF can and will survive, our membership will see to that.

It's not looking good, Go-Daddy are not at all sympathetic to our plight, several phone calls and emails are hitting a brick wall. We are searching for the most recent backup we have that will form the basis of the rebuild. At best it looks like we have lost at least 4 years of data (at best!!).

...more later


Webmaster #50307 Thu 21 Oct 2010 02:36:PM
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Hi All

There's a copy here:
Wayback Machine*/

It may not be complete but it goes back as far as 18AUG2000

Good luck!

Webmaster #50308 Thu 21 Oct 2010 03:02:PM
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The blog site belonging to godaddy owner Bob Parsons. Care to leave a comment on it?

Craig K

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Webmaster #50309 Thu 21 Oct 2010 03:03:PM
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to quote the site

Throughout his entrepreneurial career, Parsons' business philosophy has been to create low-priced, feature-rich products combined with the highest levels of customer service.

Craig K

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UFO #50310 Thu 21 Oct 2010 03:21:PM
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Originally Posted by UFO
to quote the site

Throughout his entrepreneurial career, Parsons' business philosophy has been to create low-priced, feature-rich products combined with the highest levels of customer service.

ok let's bend him over and shove a floppygo up there

that should show him our appreciation of his customer service

also no loss of any quality being the loss of a floppygo laugh

Webmaster #50311 Thu 21 Oct 2010 03:24:PM
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had a quick look at his site

she's a bit of alright but he's a tosser

Webmaster #50314 Thu 21 Oct 2010 03:49:PM
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Might get the AF data back before we insert the floppy though.

Craig K

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UFO #50316 Thu 21 Oct 2010 05:08:PM
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Originally Posted by UFO
Might get the AF data back before we insert the floppy though.

...ahhh, humour, teehee

Thanks for lightening the mood Craig, sheesh we need it alcohol


Webmaster #50317 Thu 21 Oct 2010 05:08:PM
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Godaddy their customer support is just crap! When I had my dedicated server there, any damn issue had to go to advanced support.

I ended up becoming a expert in redhat / centos / fedora due to the crap support. I pulled the plug there 4 years ago.

This server is located right near me. I maintain it myself both physically and software, even build own packages.

Godaddy just lost the plot, just like trying to get Telstra to do anything that is outside the box, problem is godaddy the box is a point!

I never heard of a system that deletes everything including the seperate backup server due to a billing preference change.

My tanglement with godaddy resolved around a firewall, that I found only allowed 10 consecutive IPs to be used at once, the server had 20. I fought as it did not say this (does now thanks to me) but they had to get cisco to expand it. Other silly issues here and there - so I left.

Crazy thing is, I was going to setup a rsync from AF to my server, and do a monthly sync. If it was done it could have been restored to a monthly backup point.

Just I had so much on it was set for this week coming frown

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Webmaster #50321 Thu 21 Oct 2010 05:42:PM
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Do you think we should put posts on his blog site to see if we can attract some attention?

Craig K

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Webmaster #50323 Thu 21 Oct 2010 07:16:PM
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Nobody tell Shane we're here, I think he overloaded the server smile


Webmaster #50325 Thu 21 Oct 2010 07:54:PM
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just let Shane fix it

he fixes everything else he touches :P

Webmaster #50327 Thu 21 Oct 2010 08:18:PM
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So. Does this mean that the shiny new, sooper-sekrit Gold Frogger forum has been postponed? pillowfight

Webmaster #50328 Thu 21 Oct 2010 08:37:PM
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oh how exciting! no doubt the site history can be recovered from one of those archive-the-whole-internet things, as was referred to in an earlier post. even if not, however, it doesnt really matter; have years of old posts is like having a history of your own emails - it is comforting to know it is there, but it is rarely looked at.

you cant relive history by having a record of it.


Webmaster #50329 Thu 21 Oct 2010 09:28:PM
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Okay, okay I give up. What WAS this gold forum?

I know, if I have to ask I shouldn't know... But to all intents and purposes AF has ceased to exist - well for the time being anyway - so you can tell me!


Where was it and what was its purpose?


Exfrogger #50330 Thu 21 Oct 2010 11:28:PM
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Originally Posted by Exfrogger

Okay, okay I give up. What WAS this gold forum?

I know, if I have to ask I shouldn't know... But to all intents and purposes AF has ceased to exist - well for the time being anyway - so you can tell me!


Where was it and what was its purpose?


Hey Pete,
Think it was Di musing or smoozing maybe after a night on the red? teehee I'm with you, lets just hope Gerry and co can resuscitate the A/F we all knew.

HKP #50331 Thu 21 Oct 2010 11:37:PM
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I wonder how much of Forum could recovered from Goggle Cache?

Do Google have back ups of previous expired caches?

Some of these Companies that give hit stats must have some form of back-up

Clutching at straws a bit, but I'll put into the cooking pot.

Webmaster #50333 Fri 22 Oct 2010 12:12:AM
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Yay I found you all!!!
I was having serious withdrawals!!!
Let hope we can get some data back.
At least the Renault forum anyway!!

Webmaster #50335 Fri 22 Oct 2010 12:29:AM
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Bummer about the site going down.
Good luck with getting it back online guys.

My fuego is fully finished and back on the road after the accident.
It looks great too, even if I say so myself.
I've landed a spare in the mean time, Pugrambo, do ya want it??


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