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#5479 Sat 21 Aug 2004 06:07:PM
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Hezbollah TV channel still on air<br />By Natalie O'Brien, Investigations editor<br />August 21, 2004<br />A HEZBOLLAH-BACKED television channel is still being broadcast across Australia almost 12 months after an investigation into allegations that it was raising funds for the banned terrorist organisation and inciting hatred of Jews.<br /><br />The Australian Broadcasting Authority told The Weekend Australian last night that it did not know Al-Manar was continuing to be broadcast in Australia.<br /><br />The nation's telecommunications watchdog also admitted that its investigation into the Lebanese channel had still not been completed.<br /><br />A spokesman for the ABA said the investigations had been given a "lower priority" because the company that initially provided the channel -- TARBS TV -- had taken it off the air.<br /><br />At the time it was removed, it was Australia's second-most popular Arabic pay-TV channel.<br /><br /><br />"We will consider what action, if any, should be taken now," the spokesman said.<br /><br />The ABA requested tapes of Al-Manar broadcasts after advertisements were seen that urged viewers to make donations to help the Palestinian cause, giving a bank account believed to be linked to Hezbollah.<br /><br />The Australian arm of French-based telecommunciations group GlobeCast TV has been broadcasting Al-Manar via the Optus B3 satellite.<br /><br />A spokesman for its Australian operations said Al-Manar was carried as a part of a package for GlobeCast. Viewers need only buy a $595 satellite dish and the program is available free.<br /><br />Al-Manar is the mouthpiece of Hezbollah -- or the Party of God -- an Islamic Shia group formed in Lebanon in the mid-80s to fight the Israeli occupation of Lebanon.<br /><br />The federal Government proscribed the militant arm of Hezbollah last year, calling it a terrorist group under the nation's new counter-terrorism laws. Anyone found belonging to, training, funding or recruiting members for the group could be jailed for up to 25 years.<br /><br />Hezbollah, which is also banned in Britain, Canada and the US, has been blamed for launching suicide attacks against Israelis and US and Western targets.<br /><br />Executive Council of Australian Jewry president Jeremy Jones said it was "outrageous" that Al-Manar was still being broadcast.<br /><br />Mr Jones said the Al-Manar screening last year of a mini-series called al-Shatat, about a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world, was "a clear breach of standards".<br /><br />"The way they describe Jews is designed to incite racial hatred," he said.<br /><br />Mr Jones said the broadcasting authority should take more responsibility and check on what programs were being shown. "You should not be doing any favours for people promoting hatred just because they use new technology."<br /><br />But telecommunications experts told The Weekend Australian yesterday that even if GlobeCast were forced to remove Al-Manar from its free-to-air program packages, it would be impossible to stop people tuning into the program with their own satellite dishes.<br /><br />The broadcasting authority spokesman said it had no jurisdiction over programs broadcast from outside Australia.<br /><br /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/default/confused.gif" /> <br /><br />If funny you put this on the Forum only 3 day after Natalie O'Brien contacted me to find out was Al-Manar still running on Optus B3. Maybe she thought it was on the new UBI mux. Now you read it and it says Quote:<br /><br />"Mr Jones said the Al-Manar screening last year of a mini-series called al-Shatat, about a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world, was "a clear breach of standards"."<br /><br /><br />Well is it true???? Are Jews trying to control the World or Not. long ago on SBS TV A Jewish person said clearly that one Jew is worth 4 Australians. Now why would some fuckwit want to say that on Australian Television, where most 95% of Australians would not give a shit about Jews or Arabs.<br />But now you ask some of the guys you work with that don't care and they saw that on SBS straight away they say to you I would like to smack that prick in the mouth.<br /><br />Reporters like investigating. What I would like is a reporter to dig deep into financial dealings around the world of JEWS. Also this is a question I would like answered for all to read, it was asked at a High School 70% of a class knew what Adolph Hitler did to the Jews in WW2, but did you know that nobody in the class knew why Adolph Hitler wanted to exterminated the Jews in the first place.<br />For me all that region is the arsehole of the World and when you hear that it is Gods country and you hear God this and God that it make me PUKE.<br />If God was really around and looking at us from space what would you really think he would be saying: a place where madness prevails. Murder by the truck load happens every day, than what do they do? they pray to God.<br />Please God If you're reading this Just remove those troubled places from the Middle East. They are a disgrace to ANY GOD FROM and NOT FROM THIS EARTH.<br />Now for Natalie she is only doing her Job but what most dont know is the paper "The Australian" is owned by Rupert Murdoch and someone told me he could possibly be a Jew. Does anyone know???<br />Now did Natalie decide on her good merit to run this story? or did she receive an email from ???????? or the Jewish Community to run this story to stir up shit.<br />I will tranfer this topic to my CONTROVERSY CORNER Forum for opinions. Should Jewish Bankers and Businesses be investigated around the world?<br />because I bet there is a lot of Hanky Panky going on that the general public don't know.<br />Phil

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This bit gets me. (below)<br /><br />"Mr Jones said the broadcasting authority should take more responsibility and check on what programs were being shown. "You should not be doing any favours for people promoting hatred just because they use new technology."<br /><br />People promoting Hatred?? What about that Bastard saying that Australians are worth shit compared to a jew?. That alone is promoting hatred.<br /><br />I have nothing against jews but when I see 2 Israel Mossad thugs trying to get false passports in a soft country and considering these bastards <br />were also in Australia learning the Australian way of life it makes me angry. Why do you think they want NZ passports?? It's not to sell lollies you know. Its to enter another country to commit crime of all sorts and get back out of there and possibly never be found because of their passports.<br />Now tell me what do you think of a country that allows that and does not respect another countries<br />sovereignty? For me, their 6 months in jail was not enough and I really hope those Maoris in jail with them really get them and teach them a few things about the facts of life. Talk about not caring about another country. You wonder why there is so much hatred in the world. Because I can tell you the word Jew in New Zealand at the moment is Mud!!!! <br />Fred

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I will tranfer this topic to my CONTROVERSY CORNER Forum for opinions. Should Jewish Bankers and Businesses be investigated around the world?<br /><br />Yes I would love to see a reporter follow this further, because I bet they would dig up some crap on them.<br />Their not saints you know and I would never trust them. as for the passport thing in NZ well my opinion of them is lower than ever

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Ok well this is my first post, and it looks like I've hit on a juicy topic!!! I also noticed that I'm the 666th person to register!!! Is that a coincidence do you think?????<br /><br />I cant believe that people are willing to take on an opinion, just becasue ONE jew goes on telly and says something stupid!!!! Shit, what must the rest of the world think of us then, when they see the Croc Hunter on telly?????<br /><br />Now dont get me wrong, I'm not a Jew, nor am I an Arab, but I am a westerner, and I'll stick up for western ideals.<br /><br />First of all, any Arab sat station beaming into Australia, which has links to a terrorist network, should be taken off air FULLSTOP. No arguments over this one, just get rid of the bloody thing. Jam the Satellite, or launch legal procedings, just take it off air!!!!! Why should we permit propoganda transmissions into our nation, especially when they promote something we are fighting against???? Thats just plain wrong!!!!<br />Now try and put yourself into the shoes of the Jews for a moment. They have been fighting for their existance since 1948 (I think it was then), and surrounded by Arabs. Ok so there maybe some debate as to whether they should have been given the land in the first place, but thats history now. You could probably thank the decline of the British Empire & WW2 for that one.<br />Anyway, if I was them, and constantly having my civilians blown up by terrorists, I'd take ANY action necessary to erradicate the enemy. <br /><br />Now terrorism is asymettric warfare, and thus cannot be fought in the usual methods. There is no particular state or country to attack or defeat, just an ideology. Attacking an ideology is wrought with problems, from racism, to religionism (is there such a word??), so how do you deal with it?????? You can't ignore the problem, as the bastards wont give up, over running countries is also frowned upon, just take a look at Iraq. <br /><br />So what should the Israelis do??? Well they believe in pre-emptive strikes, surgical strikes to take out the enemy before they have a chance to strike in the first place. They know the enemy is going to do it, and they can profile the types of people that are likely to get involved in terrorism. So If I was in power, then I'd have my intelligence agency go on a search and destroy mission. So what would this involve? Well based on intelligence, I'd send out my agents to penetrate countries where terrorists have been identified as operating. <br /><br />So this is where the link to NZ comes in. Since September 11, there have been several stories of Terrorists infiltrating New Zealand. Why the hell they are interested in New Zealand, perhaps only Israel knows. Now dont just pass this off as crap, information has been released that states that 8 days before September 11, Egyptian officials notified the CIA that a credible, major attack was to be performed on a US target by bin Laden. This was also verified by French intelligence. So where did this info come from?? Mossad!!!!! This was one of the few occasions where Mossad decided to pass on intelligence information to another country. But why Egypt and France?? Well Mossad had apparently already relayed the info to the US, but the US paid little to no attention to it. So Mossad thought that this info was too important to do nothing about, so they relayed it to other governments, hoping that they would have more credibility with the US. <br /><br />OK, so back to NZ. Israel actively pursues any threat to Israel, NO MATTER WHERE IN THE WORLD it lies. Anyone remember the Iraqi Nuclear reactor blown up in the eighties by Israel? Well that wasn't the only reactor Iraq was supposed to have. The bloody french were building and supplying the reactors to Iraq!!!! So is it easier to blow them up once they are installed and online in a heavily defended Iraq, or take out the reactors before they leave France??? Of course its easier to take them out in France before they leave the country. This is exactly what Israel did. Mossad agents penetrated France, and blew up the reactors while they were being warehoused for transport to Iraq. Now they weren't entirely succesful as we all know a reactor was built in Iraq. So Israel took that out as well using the Israeli Airforce, and agents on the ground to "light up" the target. <br /><br />OK, so hopefully I've set the scene, to suggest a POSSIBILITY as to why Mossad agents were in NZ.<br /> Now I cant see why Mossad would be interested in NZ, other than chasing down terrorist targets. Israel is not a threat to the western world, although they have been known to "steal" technology from us. With all due respect, does NZ have any technology not currently available to Israel worth stealing???????? I think not. So if we've established that they weren't in NZ to steal technology, they probably weren't there to influence economic policy either. They were there to do what Mossad does best. TRACK TERRORISTS AND TAKE THEM OUT!!!! What the hell they were doing trying to get passports, only they know, but I bet you anything you like Mossad was not in NZ to do anyharm whatsoever to NZ or its people.<br /><br />So having said all this, perhaps its time to pay Israel and Mossad more respect than you have. Israel is a highly technologicaly advanced nation, with a strong belief in its existance and its intelligence and military power to protect itself. <br /><br />So far in this debate, I've seen only emotive responses to items they saw on TV!!! Not real conclusive evidence to go off fellars!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on start pulling apart what happens today, by fitting in what has occurred before it. Dont put the blinkers on, and look at world affairs by looking at what is happening RIGHT NOW!!!!!! Every event that happens RIGHT now, has probably got a history of at least 50 years to examine to get even close to understanding it. International affairs are FAR MORE complex than it first looks!!!! I wont pretend to know it all, but I believe in what I have written here.<br /> <br /> <small>[ 22. August 2004, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: Ober Fuehrer ]</small>

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Good one except for the bit you said<br /><br />OK, so back to NZ. Israel actively pursues any threat to Israel, NO MATTER WHERE IN THE WORLD it lies<br /><br />What a good excuse to enter another country to commit crime, you're starting to sound like a yank, see they now think because of the "FTA" (free trade agreement) they also can enter a country Using the act of terrorism and have you arrested for copying a DVD.<br />You and I know that Israel Mossad Agents entered NZ to get a soft passport which means they can use that passport to enter any country to commit crime.<br /><br />Like you said (Below)<br />The bloody french were building and supplying the reactors to Iraq!!!! So is it easier to blow them up once they are installed and online in a heavily defended Iraq?,<br /><br />Now!! how did you think Mossad got into France to commit these actions in the First place???, only with a foreign passport. For me entering another country to blow up a warehouse regardless of what is in it and where its going to would be a touchy subject. To me, the french prime minister could have easily declared total war against Israel. You just cannot do that, but typical Yanks and Israel, they have now gone berserk with this word terrorism. The bad part about this is that more and more people that you talk to are now going against Israel, because nobody has a right to infiltrate another country with spies. I have never been against Israel, actually I have always been against the Arabs but I am starting to swing the other way, as more and more you are starting to hear what these mossad agents are doing around the world. I certainly don't want them in Australia and if any of them are ever caught here, I would pity them when they would go to an Australian jail, I don't think the jail population would take kindly to that. Isn't it funny how poor old New Zealand was screwed by the french over the rainbow warrior debacle, now this act to obtain soft passports... One of these days Israel will do something where another country will object and this will start a major war. I can tell you right now Israel only cares about Israel and doesn't give a shit about you or me. Do you think they would care if they killed innocent people in a shopping centre whilst chasing a suspect on their wanted list? They wouldn't give a shit. I congratulate Helen Clark for what she did although I despise her. She should have gone further.

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I'm with you on this on <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/default/mad.gif" />

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@P Debono.<br /><br />Well intelligence agencies can go where they like. If they are discovered then of course the country that "owns" them, will deny everything they can. Many, many countries have intelligence agents all around the world, including us!!!! So you cant just single out Israel and state how bad they are for having agents in NZ. Yeah, its illegal, but everyone is doing it!!! (almost).<br />I agree that Mossad may take out innocent civilians, but I bet they wouldn't purposely target those civilians, unlike the terrorists they are trying to stop!!!!!!<br /><br />So if you dont like intelligence agents going after terrorists in foreign countries, then how are you to deal with them? Going through the legal process would take too long, and for countries like Israel they dont want to take the chance of losing a target or tipping them off that they are under surveliance. In my mind, I go with the lesser of two evils. I'd prefer that if I had terrorists hiding in my country that someone who knows how to deal with them, would be pursuing them.<br /><br />You mention that Helen clark should have gone further. What could she have done? I dont think NZ has much of a standing in the world when it comes to international politics. The most she could have done is apply sanctions. WOW, I bet Israel would really feel the effects of that!!!<br />I dont think NZ can realy stand up and play with the big boys of the world. The most they could do is have a whinge!!!!<br /><br />Lastly, do they place captured foreign intelligence agents in the same prison as domestic criminals???? If they do, I dont think they would mingle!!!! Ohhh and I dont think that a typical prisoner would fair well against a Mossad agent either!!!!

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So what you're trying to say is very clearly is that New Zealand is breeding terrorists!!!, so thats the reason why the Mossad agents have a reason to go there. I don't think so. So now you are telling me that the Mossad agents are Arnold Schwarzenegger are they? I would back a half a dozen Maoris any day of the week. For me I cannot see Australia having any agents anywhere in the world, nor I would like any agents sniffing around on our shores. For me, the death penalty should be introduced for anything like this, as this is an utter disgrace. What can Helen Clark do besides expel the Israeli diplomats? Give those Mossad agents a 100 year jail sentence. I cannot see Australian or New Zealand agents if there are any in New Zealand, ever entering Israel for any spying purposes just as much to commit a crime of murder. You wonder why there is so much hatred in the world and us Australians are just too laid back. For me, its an eye for an eye. If someone commits a crime against your family, especially if you are a innocent party, you must retaliate to whoever is appropriate.

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What I am saying, has already been reported in the news. For some reason, terrorists have been interested in New Zealand. To attack New Zealand, I think not. To use New Zealand to acquire finances, or use it as a launching platform to somewhere else, like the U.S., perhaps!!!!!<br /><br />I think you'll find that Agents that are sent overseas, are professionals. Trained to kill, and leave little evidence, or missleading evidence behind. They are trained to operate in hostile environments were the odds are against them, trained to operate by themselves. This is their life, their job, and to perform such a task in "enemy territory" you have to have the mind to go with it. I never mentioned Arnie, or remotely suggested they would need to be someone like him. Your ideas that a man must be a muscle bound freak to defend themselves, is some what naive. So you believe that a Maori would be more than a match against someone who has been trained for many years to kill people efficiently????? But besides all this, DO they actually lock up captured foreign intelligence agents with the day to day local criminals???? I would be very surprised if they did.<br /><br />As for Australia spying? Would we do such a thing?? Of course we would. We are part of a "spy ring" called UKUSA. Have a look and see which countries are part of UKUSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />Read this article<br /><br />It also mentions the debarcle over the chinese embassy here in Australia, having hundreds of microphones burried inside the embassy as it was being built. Now before you say, "ahhh but that was here in Australia", an embassy is the territory of the country whose flag they fly. Therefore the Chinese embassy was legally and officially Chinese Territory.<br /><br />So far I have suggested a POSSIBILITY as to why those agents were in NZ. What is your explanation? So far the idea that they were there to commit a crime, is a bit general. What crime? What purpose to Israel would it serve? Did they intend to harm NZ or its people?

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So you believe that a Maori would be more than a match against someone who has been trained for many years to kill people efficiently????? But besides all this, DO they actually lock up captured foreign intelligence agents with the day to day local criminals???? I would be very surprised if they did.<br /><br />I'm not that stupid, one on one maybe (depending who) not but a heap of the prison population at one time ,,well thats different, you must have missed the press release when both their faces were shown on National TV. One resisted but the prison guard pulled his head back for full view, yes they both looked like an average build, no not like Arnie.<br />I can see you sympathise with these people and maybe you don't care if they kill innocent people<br />playing their spy games and like you said leave no evidence behind. To me you are starting to sound like a terrorist they also sympathise and give you excuses why they commit these crimes and they try to justify it.<br />And for the stupid Poms that Put all the Jews in one basket, what idiot whould put a Jew next door to an Arab?, you're looking for trouble.

Ober Fuehrer <br />Where have I seen you before?, and its nothing to do with the above.

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@P Debono. Well YES I did see there mugs on telly. And I agree they didn't look that menacing, but looks are no indication as to their capability. Actually I dont sympathise with the Jews/Israelis, however I do firmly believe that we need to win the war on terror, and at any cost. Sure that may sound extremist, but I believe the only way to win this war, is fight fire with fire. Ohh and do I care if innocent people get killed, well of course I bloody do!!! But how many innocent people do intelligence agents specifically target vs how many do Terrorists specifically target???????????? Not to hard to do the maths there I'm afraid!<br />As to the Poms placing the jews next to the arabs, well no-one else wanted the Jews after WW2 did they???? I think you'll find that the Jews pretty much just took the place regardless anyway. I believe that Israel has its own extremists that need to be blown away just as much as the arab extremists. However, I believe in the policy of "the enemy of my enemy is my ally". Sure this has got us into trouble in the past, but this policy will usually get you through todays fight, just to fight again tomorrow!!!<br /><br />Hmmm, so after all this, what were your thoughts on why those two agents were in NZ?? To commit a crime, but what crime, and why?<br /><br />@Fred, yeah I get around. I was actually pointed to this thread by Trash. Maybe you've seen me on Crime Stoppers, or just recently from a rather embarrasing moment, with a mate of mine in NZ regarding a passport stuff up :-)<br />I've been known to lurk around Sat forums and the like. With your very distinctive name of Fred, I cant say I recognise you, although your red nose, and big black smile does look familiar :-)

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I enjoy reading both phil's and ober's posts.<br />They're both on the same frequency, just 90 degrees out of phase :-)<br /><br />The way I see it,<br />yes I understand hitler's perspective of the jews. The justifications for his actions are questionable. There is a good movie out staring Robert Carlisle, about Hilter. <br /> His actions helped create the state of Israel. Worse still it is a right wing jewish state. Some of their actions reflect that they learned a lot from Nazi Germany very well.<br /> The creation of Israel is part of the issue which is just so far gone. You just can't put that genie back in the bottle. So now you have to deal with it. And so I can understand why the Arabs are pretty pissed off with Israel's actions over the years.<br /> This has been hijacked and turned up into an islamic cause. The corperate greed of America combined with their backing of Israel and internal jewish political pressure, has made them a ally of Israel and thus part of the enemy to the Arabs. They in turn have had a knee jerk reaction and now anybody who looks like they side with uncle sam is on the hit list.<br /><br />Step right up, every one's a looser !!<br /><br />So we've come full circle since the last cold war. There were reds under your bed. The communists infiltrated everywhere, and though it sounds silly these days, the treat of communism was very real. Governments manipulated the political scene in dubious ways to ensure stability and save their own skins.<br /><br />Now we have towel heads in your beds.<br />We have McCarthism powder keg all over again just<br />waiting for a spark. Tension has been building for many years. Muslims say that they do not support terrorism, but there are very few people that believe that all that glistens is gold.<br /><br />I know of several disturbed individuals living in the Sydney area who spout bullshit in the name of Islam. (and other religions) What I see is that other muslims hear them loud and clear but do not try to stop or correct them. Their inaction suggests they are either scared, in a minority or supportive. Further more the bad apples are influencing more and more young people and putting them on the wrong path and filling their heads with more crap and hate because they are down trodden. (sounds like communism again ?) <br />So instead of breaking free of their sterotype they just further rebell and re-enforce it.<br /><br />I do not like to point the finger, but you'd be extreemly naieve to think that the Islamic community in Australia is not brewing and harbouring or at very least funding terrorists.<br /><br />It is Israel's extreem right wing approach that we as western countries are far too soft on Muslims and their freedom. The stance looks to me that if we won't do something about it, they will.<br /> They know the risks of being caught spying in other countries. But the risks obviously do not outweigh the advantages to them.<br /> A couple of agents stuff up and spend a few years in prison in a 'soft' country is a price they are quite prepared to pay.<br /><br />I'm sure that the police and ASIS have people in Islamic circles like they have people in organised crime to monitor activity and undermine it through inteligence and leaked information.<br /><br />Phil has the idea that Israel's actions are just as provocative as the terrorists. They're not part of the solution, they ARE part of the problem !<br /><br />Ober has the point that Isreal being the enemy of my enemy, does not make them our friends.<br /> They are simply an unwanted solution to an unwanted problem !<br /> <br /> <small>[ 25. August 2004, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: trash ]</small>

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Well summarised trash!!!!!!!!<br />Yep, the Jewish populations amonst us, are indeed a problem, and see them as parasites. They parasitise our economy and sway foreign policy. However, I believe they do benefit our economy (I have no evidence for this by the way). Regardless of whether Israel existed or not, we would still be heavily involved in the middle east. We were heavily involved there, prior to the existance of Israel. We are dependant on oil to keep our economies rolling. While we remain dependant, we will still have to have our fingers well and truly in the middle eastern pie!!!!<br /><br />I view it as we now have a problem whether we like it or not. The terrorists have decided to include western countries in their war. So what does it mean for the terrorists to actually WIN!! What do they want? They want Israel to not exist. They want the US and its allies completely out of all Arab countries. They want all arab countries as islamic states. They want the world as an islamic state. Now my last comment is not made up, Alquaeda have stated that they wont rest until the world is an islamic state. <br /><br />Given all this, can we let them win? NOPE!! We are at war, and therefore need to perform any action necessary to win it. Whinging amongst ourselves and about our allies, wont win this for us. In fact, thats exactly what our enemies want us to do. They cant beat us on the battlefront, so they apply terrorism, and try and undermine our resolve (sounds like it came from a GW Bush speech) by pleading to our civilian populations. Their pleading takes the form of trying to shock our civilians by showing beheadings, and then conversly demonstrating what evil people we are, for fighting back!!!! We need to stand united against our enemy. From what I see of anti-war protests and the like, do you think we would have won WW2, if people did the same then?????????

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It was pointed out to me quite a while ago that the jews controlled certain aspects of economies.<br />Like banking in Europe and a large part of the film industry in Hollywood. This has never disturbed me and I always figured it was just a bit of anti jewish blurb. After all, it's known that certain races do some jobs better than others. Sihk's are good tailors, French Chefs, English police, Russian optics, Venitian Glass, Persian traders, Jewish Bankers etc. etc.<br /><br />But you look closely there are lots of little closed economies, it's not just the jews.<br />It seems to be that Halal and Kosher are wonderful excuses for closed economies where you only deal with your own kind.<br /> But if you think it is just these religions, then you need to look closely at the church of Scientology who now control aspects of hollywood that the jews used to control. If you're not in the church, then you prospects of finding work are reduced.<br /> Seven day adventists have semi closed economies, and the new one in my areas is "the hills".<br /> I always figured they were just a bunch of hand clapping fools. But their internal economy is expanding fast. Being part of the church can see doors open for you. It almost has that masonic feel about it. Why did that guy get my promotion ?<br /><br /> Everybody just loves a conspirocy :-)

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Trash<br />Yes you're correct, for me I don't believe in anything.<br />I'll give you an example of stupid hatred, see in Sydney before I moved to Brisbane I lived in a Battleaxe block so I had 5 neighbours. As I was saying goodbye to my neighbour in the rear From Yemen (TALKING OVER THE FENCE) he spotted the new neighbour on the left (only moved in 2 weeks earlier) of me hanging over the fence and she had the Star of David hanging off her neck, he was talking at me but was looking at her, he moved away from me and went inside and we started to talk to the lady and her husband hanging over the fence. They said to me he is an Arab, I said whats wrong with that?, later on the Gentleman behind me<br />spotted me ands came out and said sorry I moved away but I heard to those new neighbour on your left are Jews.<br />So what does all this shit have to do with the price of fish?, they hate each other before they even had a chance to talk to each other. Now 6 months after I moved to Brisbane I find out from the "x" neighbour on the right hand side that there is a full scale war going on, see the Arabic people behind were dobbed in to the council because they had a 3.7 M dish which the Jewish family said it was to close to the fence. Mind you I installed that dish 6 years earlier, council didn't at that time give a shit, but the neighbours on the other side (the Jewish family) complained till the dish was moved away from the fence, then the WAR continues as the Jewish family forbid their young kids from associating with other kids in the street so its becomes a war for all in the street as three neighbours went to the Jewish family and complained to them why aren't their kids allowed to play, the door was slammed into their face.<br />So what does all this mean?, I leave in peace and within 8 months the street is in WAR!! All because <br />of religion and people that think their shit doesn't stink.

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Have you seen the Steven King movie "Needful Things" ? I get warm fuzzy feelings from that movie as characters tear each other apart while the agent of evil sits back and basks in the glow of the flames. <br /> Did anybody bring some marshmellows ?<br /> <br /> <small>[ 26. August 2004, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: trash ]</small>

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Yes, Good Movie, I like all of Steven Kings movies.

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Hatred, whether it be by religion or race will always be around. For instance, I dislike many aboriginals, not just because I confer to the stereotype, but my father hates them. And of course, as I was brought up, I began to take on my father's views. This was also the case with gay people. My father despise gay people, as do all his friends. You should see his phone, full of funny (but still racist) jokes. He has well over 100. Now of course my dad will never change his views on these things, as if he were, how would his friends react? For instance, if a popular person had a gay person as their friend, they would be labelled gay by many of their friends. Speaking of friends, my friend Mark despises aboriginals, not because of what they do, but what they get, as he believes they get everything given to them (which is partially true) Being racist just seems to be a part of life, and if there was no racism, then the world would be a more peaceful place. But would it be better? Racism is a way of life and there is no way we can change that. All of these anti-racism laws do nothing. A 17yr old boy was gang bashed by 9-10 aboriginals in Rockhampton, after they gate-crashed a party he was at. he did absoloutly nothing to him. They are now in jail, but what would happen if it were 10 white people bashing an aboriginal? It would be classed as a hate crime, even if the person's showed no hate. This is ridiculous, but again, it is a way of life. So i suppose we all just have to put up with it.

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Your old man MJ Williamson, is a wiseman indeed. I wonder what he would make of a gay abo!!!!!!!

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Haaaaaaaaa read the forum they had a thread a mile long about Aboriginals.<br />Your dad hates gays, and sometimes there is a reason,<br />A friend of mine rang me only last night and he knows your dad, see many years ago when we were around 20 we all went out and Jeffro picked up a bird and he would not share her with us so we picked on him while he took her parking for a bit of /.<.=/#$ anyhow the panel van started moving and a massive fight started and Jeffro threw her out of the Van she took off running. See the truth came out as he would not tell us. She Had a COCK!!! thats why Jeffro hate Gays, trust me most men that hate gays can tell you a similiar story, this happened 30 years ago and we still talk about it today.<br />Could you imaging it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Poor Jeffro... but don't worry i hate gays too. That would be the worst thing i reckon could happen, it's disgusting

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I have a friend he has a son that is Gay, what do you do them, i'm not religious but God plays funny tricks sometimes.

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you know it's odd, i was sure cathy would have an opinion on this....

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I don't hate gays, they do their thing and I do mine, But I can bet you that most people that hate gays have something to hide themselves.<br />Tell me MJ what is your dad hiding?, Is he ripping the TAX man off?, Or you ripping Centrelink off?, because I have experience with people like you, you all have mud and you don't want others to know about it but you are the first to criticise someone else.<br /> <br /> <small>[ 29. August 2004, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: Cathy B ]</small>

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Oh here we go again. So now if you dislike gay people, you have something to hide? You called us all war mongerers a while back, acting like you hated us. Now, do you have something to hide? Don't be a hypocrite, everybody has something to hide. EVERYBODY. Some people can't change their feelings, and my dad and I are those people. So don't talk trash about hiding things just because we hate gays, and anyway, I'm sure your dad is ripping SOMEONE off... he's a doctor is he not?

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A bit off topic??

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yes, it seems the longer the post, the more personal and off topic the subject gets

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MJW<br />You talk about your old man, how old are you because if you are to young you should not be on this forum in the first place.

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I agree musicman he could be young but how young is young, he is not that smart although his grammar is ok, But if you read all his post you can see who he is.<br />(If True)<br />1/MJ Williamson <br />2/He lives in Logan Village<br />3/For a kid he talks about Healthcare card, what kid talks about Healthcare cards<br />4/ His dad, I bet you he does not live with them thats why he talks about him that way.<br />5/ What does he do for a living????????

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<br /> <br /> <small>[ 03. September 2004, 08:18 PM: Message edited by: MJ Williamson ]</small>

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I’m an Australian with Lebanese background. I’m Christian and obviously going to be slightly Negatively bias toward the Islamic AlManar TV. <br /><br />However I think its appalling that the Government. The ABA. Cannot stop people broadcasting into this country ... <br /><br />- I think they are putting Globe cast and Money in front of Justice. Just like the sale of cigaretts, is legal (to generate money) but the smoking of the actual cigarette is almost illegal now, go figure!?<br /><br /><br />CAMS TV Joseph Safi<br />Consortium of Australian Media Services<br /><br /> <br /> <small>[ 02. December 2004, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: H3CTIK ]</small>

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Al-Manar is still running FTA on Asiasat3 with other <br />Arabic Channels.<br />Phil

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Why do you think it is that the ABA wont stop the broadcasts?<br /><br />Is it not common sence just to shut the channel down?

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I use to like the adds showing Bush and Adolph Hitler together, ,,,,,, funny....

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I like the add when they turned George Bush into Ariel Sharon

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I've got a thought i'd like to share.. <br /><br />Western Europeans are becoming more and more pissed at having their nations appearance and feel changed by the increasing number of immigrants (Turks, Arabs, Africans, Easter Europeans etc etc)...<br /><br />what is the solution? <br /><br />I have pondered this question for a while.. for me its at the crux of racism because i dont hate any nationality unless they do something to me.. take my money, pollute my planet, move in next door and play loud and annoying music, bash my brother..<br /><br />but if the turks stayed in turkey and didnt go to Germany, if the Arabs didnt go to the Netherlands.. etc etc then i'm sure people would NOT have a problem with them. I wouldnt.<br /><br />So why do these people migrate.. why did I emigrate? economics and politics. <br /><br />what is the solution?<br /><br />I think the solution is that relatively wealthy countried like Germany, France, Norway etc etc need to put their money on the table and pay for what they want. You want the France of old, with no hanky heads (sorry) in your schools? Fix up the rest of the world so people dont need to emigrate to your country.<br /><br />When the western countries stop being so greedy they may fix this problem... <br /><br />and when the US stops bullying anyone on the outer then international terrorism might actually stop.<br /><br />Every single individual in the world is a potential terrorist. you cant kill everyone. you just have to stop giving people a reason to be a terrorist.

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Yes everything is Americas fault. haha.<br /><br />America is not the problem in fact America is the only power at the moment keeping everything stable.<br /><br />Same thing happened to Lebanon. Lebanon was 75% Christian, then Muslims came in and war started. They now are 75% of population.<br /><br />Its unfortunate but their mentality (the way they were brought up) and lack of education combined make a very bad mix.<br /><br />In Australia the government still has not learned its lesson. They are allowing Islamic institutions to be set up left right and centre. (Same thing that happened in Lebanon 30 years ago). One day when the terrorists start establishing themselves in the general population. God help us all!<br /><br />What do u think?

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kransky <br />You are saying "quote"<br /><br />I think the solution is that relatively wealthy countried like Germany, France, Norway etc etc need to put their money on the table and pay for what they want. You want the France of old, with no hanky heads (sorry) in your schools? Fix up the rest of the world so people dont need to emigrate to your country.<br /><br />But on the other hand the US is trying to solve problems in the Middle East and it gets shit on.<br /><br />I agree with Joey (H3CTIK) "QUOTE"<br /><br />Same thing happened to Lebanon. Lebanon was 75% Christian, then Muslims came in and war started. They now are 75% of population.<br /><br />This is happening everywhere and this is what I don't like, It is well known that the Muslim's wan't to take over the world, wherever you look in the World today and their is death the word Islam pops up Look at STUPID Spain they removed their forces from Iraq and still the bombs go off in their yard.<br />My Father told me this and I believe it.<br />I the near future the next World War will be fought between Islam Versus Christianity, if this is the case so be it. I'm sick and tired of turning my TV on ( hundreds of channels) and Seeing madness and it hangs around Islam.<br />Its a pity that some are good people But ??? they will pay like the scum.<br />Iraq's problem of Madness is to much in Breeding which generates Mental illness, this was medically <br />proven years ago that to many over their are to close.<br />Phil

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i disagree with h3ctik, i think the world is ok when there are 2 or more evenly matched super powers. so none of them can just go around doing as they please. <br /><br />the current situation in the world see the US as the clear top dog. and i think its got too much power and its abusing it (going into iraq) and supporting the isrealis and the islamic world hates the west for it. <br /><br />If palestinians, iraqi's and afgans were not being killed on a daily basis would the islamic extremists be doing what they are (resisting)?<br /><br />i dont think so. but that is my opinion. and we will probably never know. which is why i hate the us for being so aggressive given its the strongest.<br /> <br /> <small>[ 15. December 2004, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: kransky ]</small>

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