Small magnitude 3.5 quake hits 18 miles northeast of Kivalina, Alaska, United States in the morning
3.5 quake 14 Mar 8:41 am (GMT -8)

Just 15 minutes ago, a 3.5-magnitude earthquake struck near Kivalina, Northwest Arctic, Alaska, USA. The tremor was recorded in the morning on Sunday 14 March 2021 at 8:41 am local time, at a shallow depth of 9.3 miles below the surface.
The event was filed by the United States Geological Survey, the first seismological agency to report it.
A second report was later issued by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), which listed it as a magnitude 3.5 earthquake as well.
Towns or cities near the epicenter where the quake might have been felt as very weak shaking include Kivalina (pop. 390) located 18 miles from the epicenter, Red Dog Mine (pop. 310) 30 miles away, and Noatak (pop. 510) 32 miles away.

Earthquake data:
Date & time: 14 Mar 2021 8:41 am (GMT -8) local time (14 Mar 2021 16:41 GMT)
Magnitude: 3.5
Depth: 15.0 km
Epicenterlatitude / longitude: 67.86°N / 163.93°W (Northwest Arctic County, Alaska, United States)
Primary data source: USGS