Earthquake reported about 20 minutes ago near Chico, California, USA

We are receiving unverified early reports of seismic activity in or near Chico, California, USA on 8 Jul 2021 (GMT) at approximately 23:07.
There are no details yet on the magnitude or depth of this earthquake. We expect more accurate data to emerge in the next few minutes. The location and magnitude mentioned are indicative and temporary until the AllQuakes monitoring service receives more exact scientific data from a national or international seismological agency. Check back here shortly and stay safe.

Earthquake data:
Date & time: 8 Jul 4:09 pm (GMT -7) local time (8 Jul 2021 23:07 GMT)
Magnitude: 4.8
Depth: 75.0 km
Epicenterlatitude / longitude: 38.17°N / 121.31°W (San Joaquin, California, United States)
Primary data source: VolcanoDiscovery