Moderate 4.3 quake hits near Puerto Lebu, Provincia de Arauco, Region del Biobio, Chile
4.3 quake 21 Sep 8:20 am (GMT -5)

Just 34 minutes ago, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake struck near Puerto Lebu, Provincia de Arauco, Region del Biobio, Chile. The tremor was recorded in the morning on Tuesday, September 21st, 2021, at 8:20 am local time, at a shallow depth of 10 km below the surface.
The event was filed by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), the first seismological agency to report it.
Towns or cities near the epicenter where the quake might have been felt as very weak shaking include Puerto Lebu (pop. 22,300) located 94 km from the epicenter.
VolcanoDiscovery will automatically update magnitude and depth if these change and follow up if other significant news about the quake become available. If you’re in the area, please send us your experience through our reporting mechanism, either online or via our mobile app. This will help us provide more first-hand updates to anyone around the globe who wants to know more about this quake.

Earthquake data:
Date & time: Sep 21, 2021 8:20 am (GMT -5) local time (21 Sep 2021 13:20 GMT)
Magnitude: 4.3
Depth: 10.0 km
Epicenterlatitude / longitude: 37.08°S / 74.48°W (South Pacific Ocean, Chile)
Primary data source: EMSC