Hey but you look at Phils case, he had a legal sub of ESPN long before Pay television ever started in Australia and the arrogance of foxtel pushed him out of the way. I bet there were only hundreds around Australia that had ESPN that way so why would foxtel push ESPN to remove these few that probably spent a lot of money buying big dishes. God know how expensive the decoder box was.<br />Now you wonder why there is so much hatred for foxtel, My Brother lost his Job working for Galaxy and everyone in the know knows that Foxtel was responsible for the removal of Galaxy Pay tv, why? because Galaxy had the rights to all the channels into Australia. Foxtel bought the channels of Galaxy for around $19.60 US per customer but was making a massive loss, Foxtel went to court to get out of it but they failed and the more customers they got the more they had to pay Galaxy so the only way to get out of this contract was to de-stablise Galaxy so it would crash and then the contract would be null and void. How they do this? Easy, they refused to pay on time the money owning to Galaxy and Galaxy was always late Paying the movie studios in the states and that was the demise of Galaxy pay tv and Foxtel took over. You know, you wonder why there is so much piracy against Foxtel, some of it is not just for money or greed, its payback for the sins they have committed and are still committing till today. Pay television is a dirty business. Look what happened to TARBS. You can't tell me they went on their merry way without a helping hand.