The bueaty about this forum is the ability to demonstrate free speach and opinion. If Apsattv is banned it will be a loss to Aus City as he has a wealth of knowledge to provide us concerning satellite tv. This forum will be poorer without his knowledge. It is not a sin to put forward a differance of opinion whether it is good or bad to UBI. And he is not a trouble maker. I voted that Apsattv should not be banned, and I am dismayed at all the weak f**ks that voted to ban him.<br /><br />If Apsattv is banned, then you can all nominate me to be banned as well as I protest this kangarroo court thread and oppose all you vigilante lynch mobs out there who think that there shit don't stink and voted to ban Apsattv who at the very least is extremely knowledgeable about satellite tv, as opposed to the majority of members who wouldn't even know if their arse was on fire. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/default/mad.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/default/mad.gif" />