It is now quite obvious to me (and to most of us here), what the agendas are with service providers in this game.<br /><br />Here are my findings for all to read!<br /><br />This pretty much concerns only the Balkans folk so far but may affect others if, God forbid, TV+ survives.<br /><br />TV+ has taken on the mentality of the Balkans. Even the Communist style corruption, slyness, brainwashing and bribery are at play now.<br />They even have a forum of their own where if you state something that is not in the interest of TV+ your post is promptly deleted and you are banned! It sounds like the time I was OS and they wanted to kick me out of school for wearing a cross! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/default/rolleyes.gif" /> <br /><br />How I got banned from their communist site? I'll explain.<br /><br />I wanted to know why is it that on their site, they profess that people must decide on the service providers for their Balkan content. I then got some blurb about TV+ thinking that there isn't enough of us Balkans (read suckers) to support two providers.<br />However, when i asked: <br />1. "Why then did TV+ bother opening their company if this was the case?" <br />2. "Why did TV+, plainly, rip the content out of the hands of UBI and sign up Pink to "exclusive contracts" with TV+, when UBI was already running with the content for a month so far."<br />The post got deleted and i got <strong>BANNED!!!</strong><br /><br />Bwahahaha....<br /><br />They even openly state that TV+ has a monopoly over the Balkans packages! Oh, and did i mention? "ja" is their administrator!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....<br />Yeah so when I asked "ja" about that he said he was proud of TV+ having a monopoly over the content cause the owner was a Serb.<br />What concerns me is that "ja" and all the other brainwashed followers of the site cant see that TV+'s agenda is to divide and conquer! Once there is no more competition they can up the prices through the roof!!! Mark my words, and they will!!!<br /><br />So folks, <strong>do not, under any circumstance sign up with TV+</strong>, as a company with that mentality should not survive. It will put us back into the Stone Age!!! What we need is healthy competition where folk can pick the quality and value of the service they pay good money for!<br /><br />Yours sincerely,<br />Vlad...