I told you all what will happen here when webmaster offered me moderator duty on this forum and promised no interference from debono's part - I rejected.<br />Reason?<br /><br />Exactly this, I told him that this new forum would never be entirely free of pro UBI Debonos dictatorship.<br />Prof we can all see right now.<br />Moderators of this forum delete or edit part of the post, and then someone who is NOT a moderator on this forum but is administrator on complete site delete moderator's post in revenge.<br /><br />I've told you this would happen - even on this new forum users are not able to post or say what they want, not even moderators are able to moderate how they want.<br />This new forum is open exactly to stop fighting between users and to allow NOT UBI BRAINWASHED people to have their say. Now we se debono ion action again .....<br /><br />You better change name of this forum to "Another UBI propaganda forum" .......<br /><br />What a shame