[]What the hell is this secrective clause crap? This just sneaked up didn't it?<br /><br />I suggest UBI go ahead and change this before installing anymore boxes, because in the eyes of the law UBI cannot perform such 'blackmail' in a situation where I never purchased the MDS box from them, and thereby threaten to potentially charge me for a product they STILL own, due to a decision THEY chose to make.<br /><br />Any official comments will be appreciated before I further look into the legality of what UBI are trying to do here, because I'm sure the ACCC would be on the consumer's side in a case where UBI did not sell the original equipment to the end user, and have a clause to charge them money for NOTHING.<br /><br />RATLSNAKE [/]<br /><br /><br />Oh dear oh dear<br /><br />They want to charge you a fee BECAUSE THEY must swap out the decoder. Its not your problem if they need to change encryption. I suggest if anyone has to sign this then circle the clause and write I DO NO AGREE TO PAY ANY FEE OTHER THAN THE MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION, then sign it. <br /><br />Then if they try some b.s down the track you are covered.<br /><br />mind you they might lose your form ..