
I was surprised to find last Saturday and Sunday evening (29-30/7) that at around 9PM, my receiver reported "No Signal" (Signal Quality = 0%) for all of the channels on the 12326H transponder on PAS8 (carrier signal was strong). This transponder carries the Movie Network channels, etc. All the other Select TV transponders were working just fine as was Syria TV, Ishtar and Noursat. The Select TV promo channel was working fine and made no mention of "technical difficulties" or the like. I attempted a manual search and a manual "network" search (SR=28800) all to no avail.

This condition lasted for at least 3 hours on both evenings until I went to bed and persisted for a while on Sunday during the day as well.

BTW, the channels are all working fine now.

Anyone else see this? I have seen it before and it has always been with the 12326H transponder on PAS8. Weather was fine on the evenings in question in Melbourne.

Select TV informed me of no anomalies on the evenings in question so I must suspect my equipment. I know my receiver is good which only leaves my old Hills LNB but that does not explain the strong carrier signal still in evidence on 12326H or the fact that all other Ku channels (Select TV or otherwise) were working just fine on the evenings in question.

I hope this issue has not been raised elsewhere on the forums as a quick search did not find anything so maybe my setup is really at fault.

Does anyone have an opinion on Select TV's viability?

the Tink.