Originally Posted by asen
Originally Posted by reuder
Does anyone have someone overseas who has access to LIVE BK and DM who would be able to tell us what's on, so we could compare it to our programming in Australia?

@ reuder

I dont know what picture quality do you get in Australia.
These snapshots are from their Europe feeds:

A1+ @ Intelsat 10-02 (544 x 576),BKTV (352 x 576) & BHT 1 @ Hot Bird (704 x 576) & BN (480 x 576) and DM @ W2 (480x576).

Bit rate varies from 1.8 MBPS for BKTV to 3.7 MBPS for BHT 1.

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Thanks asen for that! The picture quality isn't perfect, but in comparison to TVPLUS those caps are HD TV! There is just sooo much pixelation on TVPLUS it's not funny, I'm not making this up.