From Foxtel

We can change the Service
We may vary the Service including part of the Service by:
� changing a scheduled program or broadcast times of your Programming Package;
� changing or withdrawing a FOXTEL Box Office Programme or Main Event Programme or withdrawing any Retransmitted Service;
� restricting some of the features of the FOXTEL iQ on any Channel, FOXTEL Box Office Programme or Main Event Programme, including the ability to record any programme on a Channel, any FOXTEL Box Office Programme or any Main Event Programme; and/or
� adding, withdrawing or changing features or functionality of the Service. If these are features or functionality that you pay extra for then we will, where possible, give you notice of the withdrawal, replacement or change.
If we withdraw a Channel during the Fixed Term which causes a more than nominal detrimental change to the Programming Package and we do not reduce the price of the Programming Package or replace the Channel with a similar genre Channel, you may end this Agreement without being required to pay the Early Termination Fee.
If we withdraw a feature or functionality of the Service during the Fixed Term which causes a more than nominal detrimentalchange to the Service and we do not reduce the price of the Service relating to that feature or functionality, you may end this Agreement without being required to pay the Early Termination Fee.

Changes to Fees and Charges
You acknowledge that we can change the Subscription Fees, the FOXTEL iQ Service Fee, the prices in the Pricing Guide, the prices in the FOXTEL Digital Guide, the FOXTEL Box Office Charges, Main Event Charges and the General Charges at any time. We can impose new fees or charges. We will tell you about any changes to the Subscription Fees or the FOXTEL iQ Service Fee prior to the increases taking effect via the FOXTEL website ( and the FOXTEL Magazine. If you do not receive the FOXTEL Magazine, we will notify you via letter or email. We will notify you of any changes to or any new fees or charges other than the Subscription Fees or the FOXTEL iQ Service Fee via the FOXTEL website (www.FOXTEL. or when you contact us in relation to services associated with the fees or charges.
If we change the Subscription Fees or the FOXTEL iQ Service Fee for the Digital Basic package other than to reflect an increase in CPI during the Fixed Term you can terminate this Agreement. You need to give us notice within 31 days of us advising you of the change that you want to terminate. If you do this you will not have to pay the Early Termination Fee. The rules under the heading When this Agreement ends tell you when the termination will take effect. If you do not notify us within 31 days after we notify you of a change to the fees and charges we will treat you as having accepted that change.