Nope, I never heard of this gentleman I have to say.

I had a look at the links you offered. Interesting, this man has diverse interests into what is generally classed as paranormal, just like we all have on here.
Belief or knowledge of one subject should in no way affect anything else.

I do agree with you regarding the 'Faerie' tag, but hopefully as more and more people realise they are around and awaken to these facts, the stigma will fade.

Look how popular and ok it is now for people to admit they 'believe' in ghosts and the like. With the advent of such shows as "Most haunted" and "ghosthunters" and all the ghost cams on the internet, the fear of admitting you believe in them or even have seen one is subsiding and is becoming accepted as the norm.

Faerie watchers unite - our time is coming - keep the faith!