Hi All,

As some of you may know there is some debate who has the rights to broadcast BHT1 to Australia, TVPlus or UBI World TV, and why the signal on BHT1 freezes during certain programs. I have been in contact a few days ago with the BHT1 Satellite Director and this is what he had to say.

TV Plus je prva kompanija sa kojom smo sklopili ugovor o distribuciji naseg signala u Australiji u najboljoj namjeri da i nasim gradanima u Australiji omogucimo pracenje naseg programa. Posto nisu postivali ugovor i otezali sa pocetkom distribucije signala, s njima smo raskinuli ugovor, a oni su neovlasteno poceli sa emitiranjem, koriste piratsku karticu i takode neovlasteno emitiraju cjelovit program, zbog cega smo trenutno na sudu. U meduvremenu smo sklopili ugovor sa kompanijom UBI koja preuzima nas signal ali samo nekodirani dio programa, jer bi u suprotnom ucinila zakonski prekrsaj po pitanju tv-prava, za sto bi konsekvence snosili i mi i oni. Kad smo se dogovarali sa UBI-jem govorili smo o ubacivanju domaceg programa umjesto kodiranog, ali za sada nemamo tehnickih mogucnosti za to, a kada se tome doda izuzetno teska financijska situacija u kuci tesko da cemo moci rijesiti taj problem. U planu je bilo pripremanje namjenskog sat-programa za Australiju i USA, ali iz istih razloga (financijskih) u pitanju je i produzenje o najmu satelita. To je nasa stvarnost i ostaje nam da se nadamo da cemo prevazici ove teskoce.
Sto se tice UBI-a, od njih ne dobivamo jos nikakvu naknadu dok se ne okonca sudski proces koji traje vec mjesecima, pa probleme oko vaseg placanja pretplate UBI-u trebate razrijesiti sa njima. Zahvaljujemo se na javljanju i zeljom da Vas sto prije obradujemo sa boljim vijestima.
Srfdacni pozdravi iz Sarajeva,


Summing up what he said..(quick translation)

TV Plus was the first company which we negotiated the signal to be broadcasted to Australia and we thought that this would be the best so our Bosnian Citizens would be able to watch our channel. But because they did not follow the contract properly and took forever to start the signal we broke up that contract deal, and then they began transmitting our signal illegally, and they are using a pirated card. We are now in the courts to resolve this issue. However currently, we have made a deal with UBI but only the non-coded side of the program to be transmitted; because of copyright violations we cannot transmit the full signal. When we were in negotiations with UBI we talked about local produced programs instead of coded, but currently we do not have the technical equipment to be able to do this. Currently we do not have money and it is a financial problem to be able to do this, this is our standing at the moment but i am sure in the future we will overcome this.In the pipeline is to make a SAT program for Australia and USA with enough financial support and local produce.
We have to wait until the court case is over to resolve the signal issue and BHT Sat version from there on.
Thankyou very much for contacting me and i will keep u posted with better news.

Greetings from Sarajevo
BHT Sat Team

TV Plus if you are reading this, please give up because in the end there is no point in going through the courts if in the end BHT will never be on your side.