If the DChS come to your door claiming to have an order to remove children they can ONLY DO SO WHEN handing you a piece of paper stating it is a Temporary Assessment order approved by a magistrate of a certain courthouse and will include the date and time it was approved and when it ends.

It is for investigation purposes but don't expect investigations to happen, they usually wait until the 3rd day and then apply for a CAO - court assessment order which you have to be served a copy of the affidavit and papers but not always or an interim custody order so always make sure this has been submitted into court with affidavit material when the TAO ends because if it hasn't the police have to return your children for you from DChS!

Also when they question your kids, never allow them to talk with them alone, DChS and police have to wait for an independant support person to sit with them as it is illegal to talk with children without your consent for this to happen!