Originally Posted by mumkids2008
Originally Posted by JusticeForAll

Actually this part isn't totally correct. They can talk to children at school under section 17 of the CP Act and don't need to have a support person with the child unless it is believed the child needs one due to age etc or asks for one. A magistrate can also grant a TAO which only allows DChS to have contact with a child so that child can be interviewed. However if this order is granted there is no provision which states that the child must have a support person.

I found more information on the interviewing process here http://www.childsafety.qld.gov.au/p...-assessment/interview-child-process.html and here http://www.childsafety.qld.gov.au/p...estigation-assessment/support-guide.html

Can you please tell me as I have looked at the act above, can a Department of Child Safety Officer and a police woman interview a child under the age of 10 without independent witnesses in their own home being present?


This is exactly what I wont to know.
The problem with Solicitors today is you can ask this question to 10 different Solicitors and you will get 6 different answers.