I was clearly told by a few counsellors, social workers etc...that it is easy to manuever to speak to a child on their own because of the vulnerability of the child and the fact there is no law really on this to say they can't talk to a child on the child's own but if that child has asked for a support/advocate person by name in front of independant witnesses including the parents, the Dchs and police HAVE TO RETRIEVE THIS PERSON or another person of neutral means.

But as if a 5 year old is going to know to say this when they're confused and scared about what's happening around them unless you brain wash your child and give them a cue especially in the middle of the night and have it recorded that this was asked...

Always have the person sitting in be a advocate, not a support because an advocate can speak in half of the child, a support person cannot and can be asked to leave the room if they try.