This is starting to become very interesting as I wonder how many of them have come to blows.
You know what I would love is 100 JAB cops to join the forum and I would make a POLL just for them to see how many disapprove on Child Safety practices or how many have come to a disagreement with them over the way they handle the case regarding to Dirty Tactics

What I'm about to tell you IS GODS TRUTH BELOW.
About 2 months after my headache started with DOCS and JAB both the COP and that DOCS DOG came to our house and of course I was not home because I was thrown out of my house months earlier ,,,, see what happened was the door knocked, my missus opened the door and it was Constable....... from JAB and the whore from DOCS. The DOCS bitch was speaking to my wife, the police woman had a nasty look on her face and had a go at the DOCS woman, shook her head, smiled at the wife and just walked away, leaving that fucking rag by herself. We have documented this and till today we found this very puzzling.

Did someone say on the forum they wished they were a fly on the wall? I would have paid a thousand dollars to be invisible and sitting in the back seat of that car on the way back to the DOCS office. Now, if the cop is reading this, you now know who I am. I thank you for sticking up for my wife, but unfortunately after my trial and if everything goes well, I want to meet you face to face.