
Yes Mr Sniper as you put it - 'if docs really investigate the issue' then it would point to the 'truth'.

And I note David Smith's reply about 'the departemental officers seek advice and assurance from a range of professional sources in roder to ensure the safety and wellbing of children...'

well I think Mr Smith does not know what is really going on in that child safety department. We all have stories that prove about this issue of truth and investigation methods.

We have already spoken about docs chosen 'professionals' not writing the same as independent professionals. I have personal proof of this myself.

It is just shameful that this department is operating like this in 2008.
It is not good enough.
I have yet to see someone get an apology from this department.

And incidentally my independent review of my case is still out there (?still on the zonal director's desk?). I'll let you know when I get an answer.

So if what David Smith wrote is true then come on docs come and take my child off me again - nothing has changed in my life, so child must still be at risk.

I've said it before and here it is again -
There is nothing safe about the Department of Child Safety.

Thank you Mr Sniper for sharing this with us all and posting it here for the world to see.