My case, gee! Nobody in power wants to even touch it. QLD pm, is just using that 10% of a brain she think she has.Kinda the same as DOCS.
If it wasnt for the lack of funds, and support. I have them #@#$@#$@#$@ in a court room by now.

and yes, They have taking everything off me.
I have half a home, I have no family.ZIT.
Even my eldest son, wants nothing to do with me nor even help.
If it wasnt for WantJustice. I would have crossed a line and end up in prison. not a bad idea to, Prison, No bills what so ever, free food, free bed.and DOCS can make up any concerns they want and still say I frk children even when I am behind bars. and they still pay for me being in there. so ya, guess I can take the bullet for the team.
Just add this to my tomb stone.....NO, I am Not....Just that. nothing else.