I know. as there is a Christ, I know. my rejection and buck passing is to do with compensation for the 3 partners they Removed, for the 3 children they stole, for all the emotional and demoralization/Slander. If The X partners had half a brain, they to should be asking for compensation for what the government did to them. maybe in about 20 yrs, my children will sue the arse off them. a long shot...
Then you have media, here is another bunch of penis smokers who would rather report on a cat stuck up a tree,meanwhile, up against the tree is a human abused. media will trample all over that human to get to the cat.

After world war II..we have war crimes..even after 50 odd yrs, they are still hunting war criminals and bring them to justice.

2008 war crimes in australia Nazi government.Docs murders children and families.Human right in this country is only for the nazis of government.
Now lets put the Australian war(DOCS) criminals in a court room for the Human crimes they have committed.