It cost the SA government, Tax Payers. 16.8 million dollars. In accommodating the children they steal.

I dont have that figures for Qld.

Now this is a really funny, Yet so good.
But so stupid to those that are playing god.FAMILY SA.

I quoted to Family SA " Dont be like QLD,Get it right" and of cos, it fell on a deaf ear.
Now, This is what Im thinking. When this class action kicks in, Family SA will for sure get wind of it.
They made sure they did as much as QLD DOCS did. They didnt do any form of any investigation to be needed of the issue that is so very very FRK'd up.
The only investigation conducted was from a office,reading the documentations that QLD sent them.
They didnt look at the FOI of the police, for it does not correspond to theirs,They didnt take my Proof as affidavits of my whereabouts concerning their claims.
What they did do, was Just used the conviction of unlawful carnal knowledge,then added that it was Girls, when it fact it was only one, Never happened ever again, Just Once, By saying Girls, it makes outs I have this track history.

as I was thinking, when this class action takes off, Family SA will also be Included. and will confirm by their own action, they are just as corrupted.

I am making Sure the world knows of this. and believe me, I know they are here, reading and watching......

2000 yrs ago a man trys to tells the truth, ends up on a cross.
today, a man trys to tell the truth and ends up on the same cross.

Time to get off the cross