that depends what area you are in justiceforall....some are worse than others....they seem to come in pockets......yes , we all know that genuine abuse does happen.....but we are here about the illegal , unhealthy antics of these evil doers.....there is quite a difference.....and even their treatment of those who are truely abused warrents as much attention ....I personally have seen many many being abused from one office alone....and the last option ought to be to put the children in strange families......first option should always be to keep them within the extended family unit.....and those people should not be subjected to continual harrassment, but left to normalise the children...and supported in what they are doing.
From what i see you saying, you have not had the experience of what really does happen therefore i really dont think it right you make such a comment....there is a difference working at a distance and having first hand knowledge....not just from ones own case, but what is witnessed in other cases......