Fair enough. It is not the perspective I take, but I accept that you feel you need to cover your a.r.s.e. here.

And since I'm saying how I feel, I would also like to say that if you live in fear you will attract things to be feared. If you think people are out to get you, you will be much more likely to attract people into your life that will fulfil the role of your belief.

It is hard when you have experienced someone taking advantage of you, (as I know you have). But if you continue to expect that this will happen the cycle will just continue.

No one here felt ill will toward you that I am aware of. At least no one said anything derogatory about you to me, though some people of course will have different feelings, agendas, and viewpoints. But EVEN if someone said something derogatory about you (and they did not in my presence), then let them be jerks. Who cares. no

And I will also say, that I like you on several levels. I see the goodness in your heart despite a sometimes rough exterior. And I also think the way you post and present yourself is alluring and makes people feel comfortable to speak out. You are an asset. And I am sorry to see you go.

Stay if you want. clink