Ok now we got that one sorted out.


2009 is going to be a pretty big year for all of us. with all the work done here by all members and over on the "erm erm" other site pretty soon these mongrels are going to want to find a big rock to hide under.

I seem to be strangely attracted to this thread still.

One of my talents is social engineering and since going to that other place ive found out some stuff.

Dont be worried. I find the info is about as alarming as Harold Bishops day time events in Neighbours and I dont judge people in this fashion anyway. I take all the bad (lame) words out and I hear a different tune.

Sorry to betray the bitching going down around here as uneventful, but I will say it's time to freaking get over it guys. Actually if you don't want to do what I say, just keep bitching please.

I probably get a ban on both your sites trying this and if it takes me being the bad guy, then so be it. And I'm already asking for a ban over the other site so what gives. If I can get through this, and I will why cant you?

Long friendships have been put into disarray and who cares why, I'm sure you will all say blah never gonna make up with that person because blah.

We all have a job to do and that is report the truths regarding our problematic government to the world.

From what I see not too much damage has been done and things can be fixed. Even if it never is what it was I'm sure it could be better.

So how bout it guys, kiss and make up or are you guys prepared to make me look like a total tard yet again?

There is enough room on this net for both sites and I know its not about the sites.

Oh dear I so not want to submit this. But here goes.

Last edited by NWO; Sat 03 Jan 2009 05:41:AM.