Double awww, for using my giraffie hearts! Wish I had one, but then again that would take all the beauty out of it's existance wouldn't it.

Although they are my favorite animal to visit at the zoo, it's always a bittersweet experience for me because I struggle w/the fact that my mere presence at the zoo, is what's promoting the capture & domestication of these & all animals that are meant to be FREE!

What does one do when your human self overrides your higher self in a situation like that? Do you still go, knowing that you're exploiting the capture of such creatures? Or do you put your foot down & refuse to support zoos, even though it's the only way you can see such beautiful creatures so up close? I've struggled w/ this on every trip to the zoo W/my children & I still don't know what's right.

But now I can veiw my longnecked friend whenever I want w/out exploiting so thanx Alisa - atleast I have that! ....Until the zoo opens, then I'm at that moral conundrum again. dizzy